Art and antiques fairs

The art and culture sector encompasses the group of individual agents and institutions dedicated to the commercial exploitation of art. As a market, it sets prices for artistic products or works of art. The antiques sector includes groups of collectors, antique dealers and decorators interested in historical items such as furniture, jewellery and other objects from the 20th century and earlier.

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ART big

Art in society

Art is expression and is another form of communication. Artists see it as a way of expressing ideas and emotions, their way of seeing and understanding the world. Art can represent social, political, sentimental and even economic issues. Everything around us is art. A song, a photograph, a poem, a painting, a sculpture, a building, a film and even a plate of food can be true works of art.

This doctrine brings us aesthetic pleasure and this is the main raison d'être of the art industry. The subjectivity that goes hand in hand with this concept means that for some people what is art is not art for others. A work becomes art according to the eyes that look at it. This is why it is a versatile sector that accepts all kinds of expressions, works and artists.

The art sector

The reality of art has changed. No longer just an idyllic means of expression and a hobby, art is now itself a market and a sector, and therefore dependent on economic flows. It is a special sector, with very different times and characteristics, but it is unique.

Art pieces are now products that bring value and profitability. It is not a target market where there is a clear supply and demand trend, but it is a sector that invites investment, because the pieces increase in value over time.

The idiosyncrasies of art make it a unique and special sector. The commercial exploitation of art by different agents has given this sector an important place in the economic flow and a promising future. After all, art is to life what life is to art; and art will only die when life dies.

The antiques sector

The antiques industry is for some a fascinating journey through history, culture and art. In short, it is a reflection of the evolution of countries, showing the most important socio-political events of each era.

Today, more and more antiques fairs are springing up all over Europe. In addition to this, the number of participants in auctions and the number of collectors are increasing, making it a sector that is booming.

For more sustainable consumption

In recent years, the antiques sector has experienced a resurgence in terms of both buyers and sellers.

Increased social awareness of climate change and the importance of environmental conservation has boosted interest in antiques, making the purchase of antiques a way of curbing environmental impact.

The restoration of antiques offers a second chance for pieces of artistic value, extending their useful life, which means a reduction of emissions and, consequently, of environmental pollution.

Art and Antiques fairs at IFEMA MADRID

Every year for several days, IFEMA MADRID becomes the perfect meeting point for furniture, objects and works of art of incalculable artistic value. Through the different antiques and art fairs, a new history lesson is given by antique dealers from all over the world.

In our programme you will find fairs such as ARCO, International Contemporary Art Fair in Madrid and Lisbon; ESTAMPA, Contemporary Art Fair; FERIARTE, Antiques and Art Galleries Fair; and ALMONEDA, Antiques, Art Galleries and Collecting Fair.