FITUR Know-How & Export 2025 is full of surprises with an innovative programme on digitalisation and technology applied to tourism

With the participation of 57 technology companies, the 13th edition of FITUR Know-How & Export will be focusing on technological solutions for the modernisation of the sector and will present the 'The AI for Tourism Awards 2025'.
The 13th edition of FITUR Know-How & Export, organised by FITUR and SEGITTUR, in collaboration with ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, is being held from 22 to 26 January at IFEMA MADRID. During the conference, the section's programme is featuring a range of activities including round tables and conferences on the digitisation of tourism, data spaces and the Smart Destinations Platform (SDP), which will highlight the impact of technology on the management and development of the sector.
Other key events at FITUR Know-How & Export include the 2nd edition of 'The AI for Tourism Awards 2025',awarding the Best AI Solution applied to tourism and the Segitturlab innovation area, aimed at professionals and managers in the tourism industry, which will feature an extensive programme of workshops, available for registration.
The section will bring together 57 technology companies distributed over 40 exhibition stands, which will be offering innovative solutions from hotel digitalisation to intelligent destination management, positioning technology as a key factor for the development of tourism.
Full programme of FITUR Know-How & Export, Hall10
Wednesday 22 January 2025
12.00pm - ¿Cómo los fondos Next Generation han impulsado la digitalización de pymes turísticas? (How have Next Generation funds boosted the digitalisation of tourism SMEs?)
Moderated by: José María Pérez, director of the Tourism Programmes and Economic Affairs Division, State Secretariat for Tourism. Participants: Begoña Pérez, CEO, Zas Jobs; María Tomás, expert, Forwardkeys; César Urbina, creative director, Iralta and Javier Pascuet, Tourism and Innovation Consultant, Girona Camping Association.
1.00pm - La internacionalización del modelo DTI (The internationalisation of the STD model)
Moderated by: Beatriz García, project manager at SEGITTUR. Participants: Karina Fortete, director of Tourism Planning and Management, Tourism Division, Municipality of Montevideo; Ramón Pomés, advisor on Smart Tourism Destinations, Ministry of
Tourism of Cuba and Etzon Romo, general manager, Quito Tourism
4.00pm - Oportunidades de negocio para las empresas turísticas y tecnológicas españolas en Brasil (Business opportunities for Spanish tourism and technology companies in Brazil)
Moderated by: Bárbara Blaudt Rangel, director of the Department of Planning, Intelligence, Innovation and Competitiveness, Ministry of Tourism of Brazil; Juliana Bettini, IDB Tourism Specialist; Saulo Ribeiro dos Santos, Municipal Secretary of Tourism, São Luís de Maranhão Wellington and Rafael Medeiros, analyst at the Municipal Institute of Tourism, Curitiba Tourism.
5.00pm - Oportunidades de negocio para las empresas turísticas españolas en México (Business opportunities for Spanish tourism companies in Mexico)
Moderated by: José Loira González, head of the Department of Construction and Tourism Solutions, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones. Participants: Roberto Delgado Gallart, CEO, Mundo Cuervo - Tequila; Ricardo Niño, CEO, VANTI; Margarita Carbajal, founding president, Federación Empresarios Turísticos A.C. Nacional.
Thursday 23 January 2025
10.30am - Plataforma Inteligente de Destinos: innovación en la gestión de los destinos inteligentes (Smart Destinations Platform: innovation in smart destination management)
Moderated by: Ezequiel García, IR director, SEGITTUR. Participants: Enrique Martínez, chairman of SEGITTUR; Carlos Tejedor, director of the General State Administration at Telefónica Empresas España; Inmaculada de Benito, head of Tourism, CEOE; John Mora vice-president, Smart Cities Commission, AMETIC.
11.30am - La vinculación de los destinos con la Plataforma Inteligente de Destinos (Linking destinations to the Smart Destinations Platform)
Moderated by: Enrique Martínez, chairman of SEGITTUR. Participants: José Guillén Parra, deputy mayor and councillor for Urban Development and Smart City, Murcia City Council; José Javier Ruiz Arana, mayor of Rota; José Marcial Rodríguez Díaz, executive councillor for Tourism, Consell de Mallorca; Javier Fernández Rodríguez, director general for Digital Strategy and Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias.
12.30Pm - Los casos de uso del turismo en la plataforma inteligente de destinos (Tourism use cases on the smart destinations platform)
Moderated by: César Lapuente, SEGITTUR, Participants: Julia Hümpfner, mobility technician, DOYMO S.A. (Multimodality use case); Pablo Burgos Casado, Digital Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Sport, Madrid City Council (Multimodality use case); Kepa Olabarrieta, director, Bilbao Convention Bureau and Ana Isabel Hernández Sánchez, Salamanca Tourism Manager.
4.00pm - Espacio de datos de turismo para impulsar la transformación del sector (Tourism data space to drive the transformation of the industry)
Moderated by: Laura Flores, director of Business Development and New Technologies, SEGITTUR
Participants: Marius Gómez Cazorla, head of public sector sales, TSystems for Spain and Portugal; Alejandro Mullor, Tourism Lead at Microsoft; Antonio Alcolea, deputy director general of Development of Programmes, Governance and Promotion, Directorate-General of DATA, SEDIA
4.45pm - Presentation of STD distinctive marks
5.30pm AI and tourism competition
Awards ceremony
Friday 24 January 2025
10.30am - Buenas prácticas de la economía circular en el sector turístico (Best practices of the circular economy in the tourism sector)
Moderated by: Eduardo Martinez Dominguez, CEO Hidria. Participants: Fátima Cachafeiro, head of the Barbanza Arousa Community of Municipalities; Idurre Altuna, director, Hotel Olarain and Arístides Bermejo, general coordinator of Tourism, Cordoba City Council and Laura Álvarez, product manager, Senda Ecoway.
11.30am - El modelo MISEA. Creación de producto turístico vinculado al sector primario (The MISEA model. Creation of a tourism product linked to the primary sector)
Moderated by: Kevin Salvador, Consultant GlobalDit. Participants: Felipe Puertas, tourism technician, Costa Tropical de Granada Community of Municipalities; Miguel Miralles, owner and CEO, "Es Treurer” agrotourism, Pla de Mallorca; Jesús Sanz, co-owner, Quesos Campoveja (Serrada - Valladolid) and president of the Asociación de Quesos de Bodega de Valladolid and Virginia Borges, director of Tourism Promotion of La Rioja.
12.30pm - "Del Futuro al Presente: IA Generativa para impulsar Destinos Turísticos” (From the Future to the Present: Generative AI to boost Tourist Destinations)
Moderated by: Andrés Martínez, CEO Iurban. Participants: Adrián Gómez, CIO Tourism and Sport, Andalusia; Antonio Jara, CSO Libelium Elisabet González, Head of Tourism, Barcelona Provincial Council and Leire Bilbao, manager Visit Benidorm.