Conditions of Use of the IFEMA Madrid Platform
The purpose of this document is to regulate the terms and conditions for making appropriate use of the Platform (hereinafter the "the Platform"), for www.ifema.es which is the property of IFEMA MADRID (hereinafter "IFEMA MADRID").
By clicking on "I have read and accept" the Platform conditions of use in the dialogue box when logging on to LiveConnect, you agree to accept the terms and conditions regulating the relation established between Users of the social platform and IFEMA MADRID as owner and manager of the website (hereinafter, IFEMA MADRID or the Organiser).
- Purpose of the service:
These Conditions of Use (hereinafter "the Conditions") regulate the access, browsing and use of the services offered by IFEMA MADRID through its Platform, in addition to the Users' responsibilities deriving from said use. Access to the Platform includes the right to use the resources, materials, content and tools (hereinafter "Contents") that make up the Platform.
When they access our social Platform, the User accepts and expressly agrees to the current Conditions that may be published at any given time (and which are specified below). The User acknowledges that they have sufficient legal standing to be bound by contractual terms and that they are in possession of the technical requirements needed to receive the Service. If the User fails to accept the published Conditions or has any objection in this regard, they should not use the Platform.
Services offered by the Platform
Access to Communities
Our Platform provides access to our Communities and, as User, you will have a meeting place that will enable you to contact other members and exchange opinions on any matters that interest you, based on the subject matter of each Community. You will also have the opportunity to sign up to courses and digital workshops, debating forums, meet new people, share opinions, enjoy experiences tailored to your interests and much more. It is an essential way of getting to know each other better, learning about everyone's different interests and their suggestions will also help us to continuously improve the Community. -
Access to hybrid and virtual trade fairs
Users who register to attend a hybrid or virtual fair can access our Platform module which enables our clients (albeit exhibitors or professional visitors) to access multiple functionalities. These include carrying out searches on exhibiting companies, all their products and services, setting up meetings with exhibitors that interest you, requesting technical information from them, chatting or taking part in video calls on the platform, receiving recommendations from professionals that you have connected with from the exhibitors' teams, or connecting to sessions or workshops.The visible content will be related to the professional sectors of activity of each exhibitor or professional visitor and the trade fair for which you initially registered. In this case, the online Platform will be active for a specific period of time depending on the trade fair, and will be deactivated when each trade fair has ended.
Through the Platform, which has been specially designed with exhibitors and other trade fair participants in mind, IFEMA MADRID enables businesses in specific sectors concerned with a trade fair to disseminate content and it facilitates the match of supply and demand. .
Exhibitors' zone
If you are an exhibitor, you can access this exclusive zone and design your own space, access your estimates, invoices and payments, stand, contract additional services, issue passes and invitations-....
- Guarantees and liabilities of IFEMA MADRID
- IFEMA MADRID holds an exclusive licence for the Platform software, and as such is holder of the exclusive rights therein and accordingly guarantees that it has made every effort to ensure that the software shall not infringe any third party intellectual property rights.
- The software is made available to Users "as found" that is, with any possible faults and errors and with no guarantee of any kind. Notwithstanding this fact, IFEMA MADRID undertakes to provide its services through the Platform with the utmost diligence and to ensure maintenance of the installations required to operate the network, employing a technical and IT team for this purpose.
- Unless the law determines otherwise, the software shall not be guaranteed in any way. Therefore, IFEMA MADRID rejects any type of guarantee or declaration in this respect, albeit implicit or explicit, including guarantees of marketability, title, functioning, quality, reliability, absence of infringement of rights or lack of suitability for a specific use, as well as implicit guarantees that may arise in the course of business or its implementation.
- IFEMA MADRID cannot guarantee that the Platform will fulfil the User's expectations, nor does it guarantee its availability and uninterrupted functionality, security or freedom from errors or harmful components or malware. IFEMA MADRID does not guarantee that servers will not crash, although it undertakes to make every effort to ensure that any interruption to the service will be resolved at the earliest opportunity. However, IFEMA MADRID shall not assume liability for interruptions, delays, or errors in the provision of any of the services, nor shall it be for any damage that may derive from incorrect or inappropriate use of the Platform by the User.
- Similarly, it shall not guarantee the results, certainty or reliability of the information that may result from its use. The User shall be solely liable for use of the data, information, content or documents that they may obtain through the Platform, a liability that extends to any damage, albeit direct or indirect, deriving from that use.
- IFEMA MADRID's liability shall not cover contingent damage or loss of profits that the User directly or indirectly incurs, and in any case, such damage shall not exceed the amounts that IFEMA MADRID has received from the User in conformance with the terms of the Contract entered into, or in execution of the services of subscription to the Platform.
- IFEMA MADRID undertakes to take the utmost care in employing diligence and maintaining confidentiality with respect to the documents, content or information that the User may upload voluntarily to the Platform to which it has access, and not to process the personal data included therein under any circumstances.
- IFEMA MADRID reserves the right to interrupt access to the Platform, at any time and without prior notice, albeit for technical reasons, or for reasons of security, control, maintenance, due to failures in supply or for any other reason.
- Should the Platform be used in order to participate in hybrid or virtual professional trade fairs, we expressly advise you that both the information and the goods and services offered are the property of and are linked exclusively to the exhibitors marketing them, with said exhibitors solely liable in respect of their characteristics of suitability, legality, truth, lawfulness, continuity or any other information provided. The commercial transactions of supply and demand relating to the information published or facilitated by the exhibitor through the Platform are the responsibility and the exclusive liability of the companies involved in the business transaction, with IFEMA MADRID exempt from all liability in this respect.
- Platform Conditions of Use
- User's Responsibilities
The sole permissible uses of the Platform are those indicated in section 2, in accordance with these Conditions, and as such the User undertakes to:- Use the Platform and all its content in a diligent, correct and lawful manner, in accordance with these Conditions and strictly for the purposes described, all of which shall not contravene public order or current laws, nor shall they prejudice the image, interests or rights of IFEMA MADRID or any third parties, albeit legal or natural persons. IFEMA MADRID shall not accept any liability that may derive from uses that Users may make of the Platform that are strictly prohibited.
- Make use of the necessary tools, with access and secure connection to internet, the cost of which shall be assumed by the User with the telephone service provider of their choice. IFEMA MADRID informs you that for optimum viewing of the content, a PC or tablet should be used.
- Not to use the legitimately permitted access to the Platform in a manner that directly or indirectly competes with the Services offered by IFEMA MADRID.
- Not to use the Platform data and processes for procedures that are not for the specifically agreed use, that is, to be part of a Community. In particular, the User is prohibited from making any copies (including safety copies) and from distribution or modification (including correction of errors and creation of successive versions) of the Platform or any of its components, albeit partially or in full, and in particular, when such acts are made for own or third party profits.
- Not to translate, adapt, arrange the Platform, or in any other way transform it or modify it without the prior express written authorisation of IFEMA MADRID. Furthermore, the User shall not incorporate in the Platform any other product (s) or computer programmes except for those accepted and admitted by the Platform software.
- In order to access or use the Platform, the User must be registered. Registration shall be carried out by the User using the IFEMA MADRID systems, and duly completing the compulsory fields on the appropriate form.
- Guarantee and accept liability with respect to IFEMA MADRID and/or any authority regarding the assurance that all the data provided for registration are true, accurate complete and updated. For this purpose, the User is required to inform IFEMA MADRID of any change to these data and respond for any damage incurred by IFEMA MADRID deriving from the failure to correct or update said data or for its insufficiency.
- To be solely responsible for the use you make of your account. In the event of any misuse, such as loss, hacking or unauthorised access by persons other than the registered User, the account shall be immediately blocked. The User shall be required to immediately change their password within a maximum term of forty eight (48) hours from the time that they are made aware of such access. If the User fails to make this change within the established period, they shall be solely liable for any damage incurred by IFEMA MADRID or any third party as a result of said unauthorised use or misuse.
- Refrain from transferring and/or assigning the User’s subscription to third parties which would allow them to enter data on or access the Platform or use the Content without the prior express authorisation of IFEMA MADRID.
- Refrain from jeopardising the Platform's security measures through technological or any other means, and in general, refrain from carrying out reverse engineering in respect of possible developments in the Platform either for personal profit or that of third parties.
- Respect the industrial and intellectual property rights in the Platform and its Contents in the terms established above, and in the "Industrial and Intellectual Property" Clause".
- Guarantee that with registration you have sufficient legal standing to act and contract.
- Notify any event or occurrence which could derive from misuse of the Platform. The User shall respond to IFEMA MADRID in respect of any failure to comply with the obligations contracted in these Conditions, as well as any other circumstance deriving from misuse of the Platform and its Contents, holding IFEMA MADRID harmless from any damage that it may incur as a direct or indirect consequence of that misuse or use contrary to the terms of these Conditions.
- Use of the Content provided by IFEMA MADRID
Having registered in the correct manner, the User may access the Platform Content available in the terms permitted under these Conditions and deriving from the services offered by IFEMA MADRID which are indicated in section 2 herein. IFEMA MADRID authorises the User in a non-exclusive manner and solely for the period that their account remains active, to reproduce, distribute and publicly communicate (without making available) the content on the platform, solely for the purpose of using the services offered, however, never for the purposes of personal business or that of a third party which would directly or indirectly imply competition with the services offered by IFEMA MADRID.
In the event that the Platform Content is shown or distributed to other people (that is, any third party other than the registered User) the User undertakes to inform those persons of the obligations and liabilities deriving from these Conditions. The registered User shall be solely liable to IFEMA MADRID for the uses that other third parties make of said Content.
Aside from the cases indicated in the previous paragraph, the rights conferred on the registered User are non-transferable, and as such they may not be assigned, albeit totally or partially, without the prior written express authorisation of IFEMA MADRID.
- Content and Comments contributed by the User.
The registered User may create and share their own content (such as for example, documents, materials, videos or images). The Content generated by Users shall be their exclusive responsibility, and IFEMA MADRID shall be exempt from liability for any damage or loss that use of said content may cause, albeit directly or indirectly, as well as any inaccuracies or errors etc. that such content may contain. In any case, the content created by the Users must comply with the requirements established in these Conditions and shall respect current Industrial and intellectual property laws in force at any given time.
The User who creates or publishes content on the Platform shall grant IFEMA MADRID free licence to use, reproduce, distribute and communicate to the public with a view to ensuring that said content, materials or comments will be accessible on the Platform in all territories and for an indefinite period. In addition, the User expressly authorises IFEMA MADRID to use the content and any other material that they may upload or share on the Platform with a view to commercial promotion.
Furthermore, information, opinions and comments are also available on the Platform which have been uploaded by other registered Users. You are duly informed that IFEMA MADRID does not check or approve any comment or content uploaded beforehand, and therefore, the comments and opinions that Users may express through the Platform do not represent the opinions of IFEMA MADRID. As such, every User is responsible for the comments, opinions and content that they publish and share through the Platform.
In order to guarantee the correct operation of this space, the User is required to observe the following Standards of Use when they participate in any Community:
- Respect and pleasant atmosphere: We are all working together to create a welcoming atmosphere. Users should be respectful with all other members of the Community and their comments should be positive and pleasant.
- Positive and constructive attitude: We would like the Platform to have a pleasant and positive atmosphere at all times and any comments made should be constructive. The Community is not a place for venting feelings or being negative.
- Zero tolerance of insults: Harassment of any kind will not be permitted, nor shall degrading comments be tolerated on issues such as race, religion, culture, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, gender or age, or of any other kind. Insults and lack of respect are strictly prohibited and may lead to immediate blocking of the Platform account in question, with no prior warning required, and the same goes for use of obscene, offensive language or language that incites violence, illegal activities or invokes hatred.
- A spam free Community: Business promotions, spam or advertising links are not permitted in the "Community" zone. Users should refrain from publishing advertisements of personal or professional interests, and if they do so, they should clearly state that the content or comment is for advertising purposes only.
- Respect for privacy: The Platform contains forums that are used by many people and therefore Users should not publish personal data of third parties that could cause any inconvenience or without their authorisation.
- Reciprocal assistance to moderators: The moderators are responsible for the correct functioning of the Platform, and they are available to resolve any questions or queries and therefore Users are required to respect their indications and comments on any matter.
- Guidelines for publication: You are asked to use capital letters sparingly (do not overuse) given that these may annoy other Users. You are also advised not to overuse emoticons, and if as User you decide to open a new thread in a Community you are advised to use a clear title for it so as to avoid any confusion.
In addition, Users should also inform IFEMA MADRID of any illegal activity or comment that may contravene Spanish law or public order, so that the Platform administrators can act in accordance with the terms established in these standards and conditions. In this way, IFEMA MADRID reserves the right to delete without prior notice, any content, material and/or comment, including the possibility of blocking access to the account (either permanently or for a specific period) of anyone who fails to comply with the Platform Conditions of Use.
IFEMA MADRID reserves the right to taken any legal measures deemed appropriate, including filing an official complaint, if the comments published could be considered commensurate with a criminal act, as well as any case of infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights of IFEMA MADRID or third parties.
- Links to other websites
Both on the Website and the Platform, the User will find links to other Websites managed by third parties. IFEMA MADRID has no powers to control all the information or content provided by those other websites and therefore cannot assume responsibility for their quality or reliability, or for the truth or adequacy of the content offered.Any type of link established between the Website or the Platform with another third party website does not imply any kind of relation, collaboration or dependence between IFEMA MADRID and the controller of that website.
- User's Responsibilities
- Intellectual Property
All Intellectual property rights in the Platform are the exclusive property of IFEMA MADRID pursuant to the exclusive licence granted for use of the "Nexplore Innovation Platform” software (platform owned by NEXPLORE Technology Holding GmbH & Co. KG and InnovaNext S.L.U) in developing the functionalities relating to the Platform. Said intellectual property also covers the computer programme, its source code and the structure of its data base. Furthermore, IFEMA MADRID holds all the industrial property rights in the distinctive signs used on the Platform, and in the Content created therein unless indicated to the contrary.Acceptance of these Conditions shall not presuppose assignment of any kind of right in the Platform, its Contents or distinctive signs. Thus, aside from the actions that are expressly permitted, the User may not, under any circumstances reproduce, (through any medium, albeit physical or digital) distribute through any means, publicly communicate, make available to the public or transform (including, without being an exhaustive list, any translations, adaptations, modifications etc), all or part of the Platform without the prior express authorisation of IFEMA MADRID.
The User undertakes not to withdraw, delete, alter, manipulate or in any way directly modify, or to do so through use by third parties, any of the trademarks, logos, copyright, notifications or other indications relating to the industrial and/or intellectual property rights that may be found on the Platform, albeit owned by IFEMA MADRID or by third parties, without the prior express written authorisation of their legitimate titleholders. Specifically:
- Any notes, captions, indications or symbols that are included in intellectual or industrial property (for example, copyright, ©, ® and TM, etc.).
- Any technical protective or identification devices that the Platform may contain (for example, water marks, digital finger prints etc.)
- The User shall hold IFEMA MADRID harmless and exempt from any judicial, extrajudicial or administrative claim, or claim of any other kind against IFEMA MADRID resulting from contravention of the obligations assumed under the terms of this clause. In this regard, the registered User undertakes to compensate IFEMA MADRID for any damage incurred due to prohibited uses made by other third parties to whom they had permitted access. Any infringement of these obligations by the registered User shall in addition be deemed serious noncompliance with these Conditions, and shall entitle IFEMA MADRID to (i) deny access to the Platform and/or (ii) terminate the Contract entered into with IFEMA MADRID and which could related to these Conditions.
- Personal Data
Every User may freely decide which personal information they wish to complete as part of their profile, and also to decide at any time, whether or not they wish to disclose their personal information to the other members of the Platform.
If a User accesses the Platform to participate in a hybrid or virtual trade fair, their data such as full name, company, post held and interests shall be visible only for exhibitors and the exhibition team, in order to ensure the exchange of supply and demand. The rest of the contact information (email, telephone, address) shall only be visible for the contacts that every User voluntarily accepts, or when each person accepts an individual request for a meeting or a chat.
As a member of a Community, the personal data that each User wishes to enter as part of their profile, will only be visible to contacts that they have accepted or when they voluntarily accept an individual request to contact or chat.
Personal data will be processed by IFEMA MADRID as data controller in order to manage the service offered through the Platform. Your data will not be assigned to third parties unless this is indispensable for carrying out the service or as required by an administrative, judicial authority or legal requirement. You may exercise your data protection rights by writing to Avenida del Partenón núm. 5, CP - 28042, Madrid (España), or by emailing protecciondedatos@ifema.es. In any case, the User may access complete information on the processing of their personal data in the Privacy Policy published on our web page: https://www.ifema.es/politica-privacidad. You may also enlist the protection of the Spanish Data Protection Agency s (AEPD) through its website www.aepd.es.
- Assignment of image rights:
It is possible that during virtual or hybrid trade fairs, visitors and exhibitors may access Webinars and online events. The images captured, including voice and/or image of the attendees shall be processed and disseminated through various media such as the IFEMA institutional website, social networks or fan pages. Furthermore, your name or alias may be seen by the rest of the participants in the event as well as your photo or image which may have been included. Additionally, in your interactions with other users on the Platform, it is possible that you will see images that you have included in your profile.
Pursuant to the terms of Organic Law 1/1982 of 5 May on civil protection of the right to honour, personal and family privacy and personal image (hereinafter Organic LAw 1/1982) the User authorises IFEMA MADRID to process their image obtained through their participation in the LiveConnect Platform, albeit as Exhibitor, Professional visitor, during the course of the event, in the interactions in the Community, in contacts with other users... and the capture, reproduction and diffusion of your image in information and communication channels, always relating to LiveConnect, the social Platform in which you are participating, using all the technical means and formats both known at the present time, and which may be developed in future, with the sole limitation being any use that infringes the right to honour in the terms established in Organic Law 1/1982, and without time constraints or geographical limitations, and without receiving any financial consideration.
The User may at any time restrict the information and image that they wish to share with third parties in their profile on the Platform.
- Modification and Termination
IFEMA MADRID reserves the right to modify these Conditions, albeit totally or partially, and without prior notice, publishing any change on the Platform or through any type of communication to the Users.
IFEMA MADRID may decide that access to the Platform shall be automatically terminated suspended or interrupted:- From the moment that the User decides to voluntarily deregister from the Platform and notifies IFEMA MADRID of this fact.
- Through termination or cancellation of the contract entered into by the Partiesand to which these Conditions may be attached.
- On grounds of non-compliance with these Conditions, particularly the inadequate use thereof, and publication of content, opinions and/or comments which contravene the standards of use described in this document.
- If the User has provided false or inaccurate data or information which is not up to date or incomplete, or when there are justifiable grounds for suspecting this. In this case, IFEMA MADRID shall notify the User by email, requiring them to remedy the errors/non-compliance within a term of forty eight (48) hours. If, within that term, the User fails to respond to the request for remedy, IFEMA MADRID may automatically refuse registration to the User or deny their access to the Platform, and the User shall not be entitled to reclaim any amounts paid up to that time, if they have done so.
- Laws and jurisdiction
IFEMA MADRID shall ensure compliance with these Conditions. To this effect, it reserves the right to exercise any civil and/or criminal actions as appropriate in the event of infringement or non-compliance with these Conditions by the registered User or third parties to whom access has been given.The interpretation and application of the Conditions shall be governed by Spanish law current at any given time. In the event that any provision of these Conditions were declared to be null and void, the remaining provisions thereof shall not be deemed affected. Any discrepancy between the User and IFEMA MADRID in respect of the validity and duration of any provision contained in these Conditions shall be resolved by the courts, in accordance with the rules and standards on competence established in the applicable regulations.
Should IFEMA MADRID fail to exercise or enforce any right or provision contained in these Conditions, this shall not be deemed a waiver of the same, unless written acknowledgement or agreement is provided to this effect.
Acceptance of reading
The User acknowledges that they have fully understood the information relating to the Conditions of this document, and therefore states that it is sufficiently adequate to exclude the possibility of any error in the consent given, and therefore, they expressly accept these Conditions in full.