Guest Lounge

Guest Lounge space at ARCOmadrid

Open Call for projects

Do you want to design the Guest Lounge for ARCOmadrid 2025?

ARCOmadrid, together with the Foro de Marcas Renombradas Españolas (FMRE) and AD magazine, is calling for architects, technical architects, decorators, designers and other professionals to design the Guest Lounge for ARCOmadrid 2025.

The call for applications is open for the creation of an ephemeral space that combines the philosophy of the fair -innovation, quality, contemporaneity- with the function of a place for rest, meeting and gastronomic area in ARCOmadrid.

This new call will be open until 5 September 2024.

Photo: Maru Serrano©

Rules of procedure
PDF  -  177 KB
ZIP space plan
General rules of participation
Safety Regulations Exhibition Areas
PDF  -  337 KB