The ten commandments of Iberian Ham

Iberian Ham is a unique product in the world for its flavour, aroma and texture, although there are many more factors that distinguish it and position it as a cult food.
The uniqueness of Iberian Ham comes from culture, from ancestral practices that are part of the tradition of an entire people, for whom Iberian Ham represents a way of understanding life.
Over the years, a series of 'commandments' have been maintained that have become the pillars of the international promotion, information and training campaigns that ASICI has been working on for years, with the support of the European Union. Campaigns that aim to increase the differential knowledge of Ibérico and its attributes in order to continue crossing borders and increase the commercialisation, competitiveness and growth of the sector, generating business opportunities and access to new markets.
A unique product linked to a territory, the Iberian Peninsula. It is born from the culture and tradition of an entire people; a know-how passed down from generation to generation.
It contributes to maintaining biodiversity and generates life in the rural environment. The Iberian sector provides the backbone of rural areas, protects, and preserves the biodiversity of the rural environment, and is one of the best antidotes to the Demographic Challenge.
Iberican Han favours the creation of a unique earthly paradise, the dehesa. A sustainable and natural ecosystem born from the balance between respect for the environment and the sustainable use of natural resources. As one of the oldest sustainable ecosystems, the Dehesa already showed sustainability in its broadest concept, when nobody was talking about it yet.
Iberian pigs come from a breed that is unique to the Iberian Peninsula, the centrepiece of a lifestyle that revolves around Iberian Hams.
To obtain such an exquisite product, the Iberian pigs are only fed with natural resources from the best pastures, fields, and farms.
The Iberian Ham is born of a natural process based on long production and curing times. 4, 5, 6, 7...YEARS can pass to enjoy its flavour.
A system of four colours guarantees that each piece is indeed Iberian Ham: the black seal identifies 100% Iberian Acorn-fed Ham, the red seal identifies Iberian Acorn-fed Ham, the green seal identifies Iberian Cebo de Campo Ham and the white one identifies Iberian Cebo Ham.
This free APP allows consumers to consult the traceability of the pieces and verify that they comply with current regulations, thanks to the reading of the unique and individual bar code that appears on each Standard seal. This is possible thanks to the information registered in ITACA. All you have to do is scan the code that appears on the seal of each piece to find out the type of product, the feeding and handling of the animal, among other things.
The high protein and vitamin content (B1 and B12) of all Iberian products, acorn-fed and cebo meats and cured meats, or the low sodium content of Iberian, cebo and acorn-fed meats, are some of the nutritional statements found in the latest study carried out by the Innovation Service for Animal Products (SIPA) of the University of Extremadura.
The commitment of the Iberian sector to the environment is absolute. Hence its firm commitment to move towards a more sustainable food system, reducing the impact of its activity and offsetting its ecological footprint.
Instagram: jamonesibericos_eu