SOLATS, solar power engineering to reduce electricity bill consumption

The commitment to solar energy is one of the main measures that large meat companies in Spain are opting for. Photovoltaic installations are key to the sustainable transformation of companies and also to their own consumption savings and, therefore, more and more companies are joining self-consumption.
Large business groups in the meat sector such as Cartesa, Don Jate, Tervalis and Noel Alimentaria have already implemented solar energy installations with Solats, an engineering company specialising in photovoltaics. Solats has developed different solar energy self-consumption projects that supply the energy demand of each of the companies' facilities so that they generate their own energy for self-supply.
Companies in the meat sector have a significant and constant energy consumption as they have machinery and cold rooms that are usually always in operation. Photovoltaic self-consumption is a measure designed to save energy costs as the energy produced by the installation is self-consumed. In approximate calculations, Solats estimates that solar energy helps to reduce the electricity bill by up to 40% every month.
In addition, photovoltaic self-consumption is one of the company's sustainability measures as it reduces CO2 emissions, thus reducing the company's environmental footprint.
In 2022, 2,507 MW of self-consumption power was installed in Spain and the forecast is that this volume will continue to grow by 2023. In addition, solar energy is increasingly accessible to companies in all sectors that can benefit from state and European subsidies. Solats believes that solar energy has an exponential growth factor and that it is easy to install a turnkey solar installation. From sizing adjusted to the energy consumption of each company to the legalisation, application for subsidies and start-up of the solar energy installation, Solats has the experience of large business groups that have already joined the most sustainable energy.
Stand 4E58
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