EXTREMADURA AVANTE supports the internationalisation of SMEs in the region

Extremadura Avante supports and promotes the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the region, which make up more than 90% of the Extremaduran economy.
At Meat Attraction 2023 we will showcase a space focused on the Dehesa Extremadura. Extremadura is the world capital of the Dehesa, at least in terms of the number of hectares enjoyed by the autonomous community, 1.3 million hectares. Livestock species (Iberian pigs, Merino sheep, Retinto cattle...) and wildlife (golden eagle, imperial eagle, otter, wild boar, deer...) find in the dehesa a real natural refuge that has not changed over the centuries. An agroforestry system, which allows a balanced and non-abusive exploitation of natural resources.
Thirteen representative companies specialising in different meat subsectors will be present at the Extremadura stand:
- Iberian pork in all its presentations, fresh and cured, hams, shoulders, Iberian sausages (loin, chorizo, salchichón, morcón, etc.).
- Conventional and organic lamb carcasses.
- Beef, beef, fresh game meats and in different preparations, sausages, cured meats, pre-prepared convenience food, etc.
- Seasonings (pepper, paprika, cinnamon, garlic, ñoras, ginger, star anise, lemon flakes, poppy, oregano, laurel, etc.).
- Fifth range products (sirloin steak, cheeks, tongue, ear, Iberian pork snout, etc.).
- Auxiliary industry (machinery for the meat sector, IT services applied to the food industry, customised software for companies, etc.).
In short, a complete showcase for the Extremadura meat sector and complementary services.
Stand 4D01
Tel.: +34 924 31 91 59