L’Oréal Paris Backstage

Discover Tips and all the Backstage secrets from L'Oréal Paris.

Mannequins with plants on their heads at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid
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ES Español

Because we worth it

fashion show 18
Video loreal 1
Beauty talk 1

Beauty Zoom #1


Designer Dominnico tells us what he looks for in the perfect make-up look for his fashion shows in this episode of #LOREALDELMAQUILLAJE

Beauty talk 2

Beauty Talk #2:

Beauty Talk with Juan Carlos Mesa, Creative Director of Angel Schlesser

The winner of the L'Oréal Paris award for the best collection at the 72nd edition of MBFWMadrid tells us why make-up is so important at a fashion show.

Beauty talk  3

Beauty Talk #3:

Beauty Talk with Goyo Acevedo, make-up artist at MBFWMadrid

What are the best make-up tips from a Fashion Week make-up artist? Find out with Goyo Acevedo.

Beauty talk 4

Beauty Talk #4:

Beauty Talk with model Carmen Almanza

Fashion Week model Carmen Almanza tells us how backstage is like and what her favourite beauty moments of fashion week are.

Iconic L'Oréal Paris moments and products in the fashion show

Loreal Paris iconicos 4
Loreal Paris iconicos 3
Loreal Paris icons
Loreal Paris iconicos 2

Beauty tips

Loreal Paris tips 1
Loreal Paris tips 2