APAE announces the 14th edition of its journalism awards

Fruit Attraction, Corteva Agriscience and Cajamar are the sponsors of these awards, with the collaboration of FEPEX. The awards will be presented during the course of the fair, which will be held at IFEMA MADRID from 8 to 10 October.
The Spanish Association of Agri-Food Journalists (APAE) has announced the fourteenth edition of its journalism awards. As in previous editions, there will be four categories:
- The general category, with a prize of 1,000 euros for the best piece on production (agriculture, livestock, fishing, inputs, etc.), industry, transport or food distribution.
- The Fruit and Vegetables category, consisting of a prize of 1,000 euros for the best article on a specific fruit or vegetable topic.
- The Innovation category, with a prize of 1,000 euros, is open to news articles or reports on the application of new technologies in the agri-food industry.
- The Agri-food Sustainability category, with a prize of 1,000 euros. In this category, works must focus on sustainability within the agri-food industry, from an economic, social and/or environmental point of view.
Journalists working in the Spanish media are eligible to submit their candidacies for this award in their personal capacity. Only one journalistic work, column, article, chronicle, interview, report, etc. per person, published in Spanish and published in any Spanish media outlet between 1 September 2023 and 31 August 2024 may be submitted. Original works, copies of the publication or online articles, with the corresponding hyperlink, should be sent before 1 September 2024 by email and attaching the completed admission form to the following email: apae@apae.es.
APAE's journalistic awards are sponsored by the Fruit Attraction trade fair, (award in the "Fruit and Vegetables" category), Corteva Agriscience (award in the "Innovation" category) and Cajamar (award in the "Agri-food Sustainability" category), in addition to counting on the collaboration of the Spanish Federation of Fruit and Vegetable Exporting Producers' Associations (FEPEX).
Previous winners
In the previous edition, Emilio Fernández and Ibernalo Mendivil were the winners in the "General" category for the article La sequía golpea al campo por partida cuádruple (The drought hits the countryside fourfold) published in La Tribuna de Albacete. In the "Fruits and Vegetables" category, the jury awarded the prize to Luis María Henares, author of the report El fresón de Aranjuez, la supervivencia de la joya de la huerta ribereña (The Aranjuez strawberry, the survival of the jewel in the orchard of the Aranjuez area) broadcast on the programme "Aranjuez Abierto" on Onda Aranjuez. In the "Innovation" category, the winner was Chus García for the article Regar sin mirar la factura de la luz (Watering without looking at the electricity bill) published in the Heraldo del Campo, while José Antonio González was the winner in the "Agri-food Sustainability" category for his work El secreto de unos tomates de invernadero 'regados' con el humo de una chimenea (The secret of greenhouse tomatoes 'watered' with the smoke from a chimney) published in the Anthropy section of the regional newspapers of the Vocento group.
The awards ceremony will take place at a conference organised by APAE as part of Fruit Attraction, which this year will be held from 8 to 10 October at the IFEMA MADRID exhibition centre.
For further information: apae@apae.es