MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID 2019 will present a project created by Faconauto

The initiative is called “Faconauto Woman”
The next benchmark Trade Fair in the aftermarket and service station sector, MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID, will see the presentation of the initiative led by Faconauto, called “Faconauto Woman”, a voluntary, non-hierarchical network of men and women that seeks equality. The 15th edition of Spain’s Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry, targeting trade visitors from the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America and North Africa, organised by IFEMA, will be held from 13 to 16 March 2019, at Feria de Madrid.
The idea was presented today at the 28th Congress, creating the first network of women in the sector, as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. Their aim is for vehicle distribution and repair to be more attractive and to increase work opportunities for women within dealership networks.
“Faconauto Woman” will develop a series of specific initiatives: the launching of an observatory on the presence of women in the sector; the creation of the manger for equality figure in official dealerships; or the establishment of good practises. One of the pillars of this initiative is a virtual community that will contain all of the information on the project, and where women and men will interact in different groups and forums.
Faconauto’s CSR program has several lines of action: the first focuses on quality employment and training, the second on the environment; the third is about road safety and its commitment to “zero accidents” and, lastly a program for social inclusion by means of an agreement with ONCE-Inserta.
About Faconauto
Faconauto is the trade association that comprises the associations of official car, industrial vehicle and agricultural machinery dealerships in the Spanish market. It represents the interests of 2,219 dealerships, on which approximately 3,624 companies in the second level of distribution (agencies and official services) are dependent, making a total of over 5,861 automotive SMEs. These companies generate 162,434 direct jobs, a turnover of 46,240 million and represent 3.2 of the GDP.
Jesús González, Press Officer for MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid | 34- 91 722 50 95 | jesusg@ifema.es
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