MOTORMEETINGS 2021, the major sector event for the automotive aftermarket industry

From 23 to 25 April 2021, at the Madrid Fair
IFEMA presents a new event, adapted to the industry's need and with the collaboration of the main sector associations and agents. The event is MOTORMEETINGS, with a more flexible participation format, that will take place from the 23 to 25 April 2021 in Halls 1, 2, 3 and 5 at Feria de Madrid. This event is backed by SERNAUTO, ANCERA, CONEPA, CETRAA and the other agents in the automotive after-market industry, and will provide a top-level area for business, knowledge and innovation, contributing to reactivate the sector. This will all be held in a safe environment, with IFEMA’s anti-Covid guarantee.
MOTORMEETINGS offers a participation model that is adapted to the client's need, easily and economically. Those who decide to also exhibit in the next edition, MOTORTEC MADRID 2022, will also benefit from up to a 20% discount, depending on the floor area contracted in 2022.
The new edition, with a very educational, technological and innovative profile, is aimed at all members of the Automotive industry value chain: manufacturers, suppliers, distribution, wholesalers and retailers and shop professionals.
As for visitors, it is focused mainly towards repair shops, official services and in general, all Aftermarket professionals. Free registration for visitors will open up online in November. There will also be a guest program, with the collaboration of shop associations. All participants will receive an attendance certificate, proving their attendance at training seminars and conferences.
MOTORMEETINGS will provide companies with a flexible participation format, adapted to their needs, with four types of modular stands (depending on the floor space contracted), which will include all services, and the possibility of personalising them. This type of participation will enable exhibitors to save up to 30% compared to MOTORTEC MADRID.
In addition to the exhibition space, MOTORMEETINGS will set up at least 16 areas aimed at activities and practical workshops. The parallel schedule for meetings and conferences, with the participation of important experts in the various fields and leading companies in the automotive industry, will give professionals and shop managers the chance to update.
With the collaboration of regular Trade Fair participating associations, current issues will be discussed such as the new forms of mobility, digitising shops, electrification, connectivity, ADAS safety systems or hybridising, among others.
MOTORMEETINGS will also carry out an intensive communications campaign, which exhibitors may benefit from, including monthly webinars on various issues; sending out newsletters, press releases and other informative elements to a wide range of media; permanent updating of the Trade Fair website, or an intense communication 2.0, among other actions, thus contributing to provide maximum visibility for exhibiting companies.
IFEMA, a safe space
MOTORMEETINGS 2021 will be a safe area, as it will benefit from all the measures implemented by IFEMA so that the events can be held with full guarantee. The Community of Madrid has awarded IFEMA the Garantía Madrid seal, which acknowledges IFEMA’s work carried out to meet the mandatory regulations in the new normal caused by COVID-19, as well as for its extraordinary protocols. IFEMA has also received the ‘Safe Travels’ seal from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) for the Conventions, Meetings and Events Centres industry, thanks to the protocols and actions carried out in order to return to activities with a safe, healthy and responsible reopening.
These certifications acknowledge the importance of the steps and protocols implemented in order to guarantee the safety and mobility of participants in the events, as well as the transmission of information to everyone, regarding access control measures and capacity, physical distancing, hygiene and cleaning; in addition to the redesigning of the events, combining in-person and hybrid formats, as essential measures for proper development of the trade fairs and congresses.
Further information: www.motortecmadrid.ifema.es
Presentation video: https://youtu.be/S82yNUGsUhk
First link to today's official live presentation – https://youtu.be/S82yNUGsUhk
Second link to the MotorMeetings video presentation – https://youtu.be/6xKY-P0OGD4
Third link to the LIVE Connect video presentation – https://youtu.be/6xKY-P0OGD4
Caption to the MOTORMEETINGS 2021 presentation
The group photo shows the presentation participants, on the 22 October, at MOTORMEETINGS by Motortec 2021. In the background, from left to right, are the President of the SERNAUTO Spare Parts Commission; the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers, Benito Tesier; the IFEMA Motor & Mobility Director, David Moneo; the President of ANCERA, National Association of Automotive Dealers, Equipment, Spare Parts, Tires and Accessories, José Luis Bravo. In the forefront, also from left to right, Ana de Avila, Secretary General of CETRAA, Spanish Confederation of Automotive and Vehicle Repair Shops; Javier Sanz de Andino, Commercial Manager of MOTORMEETINGS, and Nuria Alvarez, Institutional Relations and Communication Manager for CONEPA, Spanish Federation of Professional Automotive Entrepreneurs.