HERGAHER brings its menu of seven kinds of black puddings to Meat Attraction

Hergaher Morcillas y Farinatos, a leading company in the manufacture of black pudding and farinato from Salamanca, presents at Meat Attraction its product menu that includes seven kinds of black pudding, which facilitates exponentially the sale, both for its unusual format, its composition and for the innovative treatment that improves its durability, despite being a fresh product. Minimizing with it the losses by expiration.
Hergaher also has farinato, a typical product of Salamanca, which expands the gastronomic variety of the offer, which is also subjected to the same processes to increase its durability.
Our approach could be summarized as:
- VARIETY, to facilitate the offer.
- QUALITY, to ensure customer loyalty.
- DURABILITY, to almost eliminate losses due to shelf life.
To achieve these objectives we have a specific self-control program, which is audited by an independent company, so that we can offer our products with the greatest guarantee and confidence.
If there is one thing our customers value, it is the versatility of all our products, both in the counter and in the kitchen.
Among the services with which we complement the offer to our customers are: commercial advice, making you part of a catalog of good practices that we have been collecting in all these years and that cause the turnover in your company to grow in this line almost immediately. "Our experience at the service of your bottom line". For us, it is not about selling products, but about creating synergies in the value chain. Experience tells us that it is impossible to be successful in the medium to long term without taking care of the other players in the value chain.
That is why we would like to meet you personally at Meat Atracción, in order to give you a presentation, in which we could show you the possibilities of both direct sale of the product and its transformation into recipes. We can also make this presentation for one of your customers if you wish.
Stand 4C01A
Tel.: +34 923 20 83 55