8 tips to create expectations and engagement with your customers ahead of Meat Attraction 2023

Start preparing your attendance at the next edition of the show with these practical tips.
You need to create expectations of what is going to happen at your stand during Meat Attraction, to become a must-attend event and a "must" on the agenda of your customers or potential new customers. Create your content grid of things that are going to happen, and launch messages to get that famous "engagement" and positive experiences in your audience. If you succeed, you will turn them into prescribers of your assistance.
1.- Social Networks:
- Link your posts to the @meatattraction #MeatAttraction23 profiles. This way we can retweet and viralize your post to all our professional audience.
- Create your own unique # for Meat Attraction to trigger conversations. It is an excellent way to organize a timeline of everything you are going to do.
- Use collaborators or influencers with whom your company works or speakers or chefs. Ask them to upload a small audio-visual pill or a testimony about what they are going to do at your stand. It shows closeness, humanity, they are credible, ...
- Let them land the posts on the landing page you have created monographically about your presence at the event.
2.- Unveil something, without telling them everything. Make them feel the need to go to the "open package" moment, catch them in the curiosity of "On day x at x hours, you will know exclusively ... Book in agenda".
3.- "Humanise" the call: a nice creativity is not the same as a mini-video where the management of your company invites your clients to come.
4.- Create a *.csv file so that your clients can save it in their diary of something specific that is going to happen on a specific day at a specific time. Hang it on all your invitations.
5.- Create a story around your presence at the fair, with similes of films, books, historical characters... it sticks in the mind.
6.- Make personal contact by humanising communication. Let's get away from the anonymous.
7.- Personalise your invitations both in the recipient and in the sender. It is not the same "company X invites you to come" as "Juan X invites you to attend on...".
8.-Visitors come looking for "news" and "new products": focus your communication strategy on these aspects to create expectations. Exclusive presentation of...", "you will be the first to try...", "you will be the first to try...", "you will be the first to try...".