Interview with José Martínez Portero, President of Única Group

Hablamos con José Martínez Portero, presidente de Única Group
On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Fruit Attraction, we interviewed José Martínez Portero. In this interview, he talks to us about the beginnings of Fruit Attraction and how it has changed since then; "It's practically like night and day because when we started we were really pioneers...".
We also talked to her about how the way of doing business at the event has evolved over the years; "It has changed. I've had the opportunity, I've been to many of them and I've seen more and more professionalisation".
He also shares with us how the way of doing business has changed and how they work to make the most of the time; "It has changed a lot, now we schedule visits with the clients on the two main days of the fair with all the clients and we already know which clients are coming".
José Martínez Portero highlights some of the changes in the fruit and vegetable sector over the last 15 years and tells us how the profile of visitors has evolved; "The sector has changed a lot over the last 15 years. I don't know if this is thanks to the fair or not but before our way of selling vegetables was a lot in the market and today our way of selling them is very directly to the chain". "If the profile is changing, especially of the companies participating in the fair, they are becoming bigger every day and the profile of the visitor I would say yes, because before they were markets and now they are chains".
Finally, when asked about the strong points of Fruit Attraction and what novelties can be incorporated, he emphasises that "The strong points of Fruit Attraction compared to Fruit Logistica are its proximity, as we can move more people and it costs us less money".