CASTILLO TRANS your goods in the best hands

Castillo Trans on its 40th anniversary, will be at Fruit Attraction 2023. Leader in the province of Alicante as a logistics company in the transport of goods by road at controlled temperatures, it has forged its future in the present, through a continuous commitment to quality.
Today, the Castillo Trans fleet covers the entire European Union, offering a wide range of services and generating new specific transport and logistics solutions from its R&D team, because it understands that the world of logistics is changing and constantly evolving.
Castillo Trans is proud to offer a variety of services that include, as a speciality, split loads (groupage) and, in addition, full loads, urgent itineraries, outsourcing, Just in Time... Services designed with the needs of customers in mind.
Service excellence is a fundamental pillar at Castillo Trans. For this reason, the company ensures that it has a highly trained and experienced team, as well as a modern fleet of vehicles that ensure safe, traceable, real-time and Just-in-Time delivery.
Stand 3D28
Tel 0034 966 736 737