MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID promotes young post-sales talent and the inclusion of women in the industry with the collaboration of the Comforp Foundation

The Commitment to Vocational Training Foundation, COMFORP, together with MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID and the COMFORP Foundation sponsor companies, organize the 16th edition of the Young Automotive Technician Contest and the first call for the Young Women Car Repair Technicians Competition. The final stage of both competitions will take place 13-16 March 2019, at the Feria de Madrid, as part of the Trade Fair organized by IFEMA.
Both competitions are part of the corporate social responsibility actions that IFEMA has been carrying out to support training and talent. They will also help improve the visibility of a training speciality that is key for the Spanish automotive industry and of car after-sales services, at a moment of transition in transport industry.
The objectives of the YOUNG CAR TECHNICIANS COMPETITION focus on training and encouraging teachers and students for teaching in automotive subjects, and has two stages. In the off-site stage, the more than 100 participants from all over Spain will have to perform two tests. Firstly, they have to respond online to a series of technical questions. Then they have to present an audiovisual project on a subject of their own choice related to the subject area they chose on registration.
The on-site stage will be held in Hall 7 of the Feria de Madrid, from 13 - 16 March. In this stage, the ten finalists from each subject area - bodywork/painting or electromechanics - with the highest scores in the two previous tests, a total of 20 participants, have to pass different tests related to their chosen subjects. Their performance will be evaluated by technicians from the partner companies and COMFORP members.
For its part, the first YOUNG WOMEN CAR REPAIR TECHNICIANS COMPETITION aims to improve the visibility of women working in this sector.
This competition is only open to women students doing vocational training, in the “Transportation and Vehicle Maintenance” profile.
The participants who reach the leading positions will receive different prizes, as will their tutors. The competitors’ training centres will receive a package of materials from the partner companies for carrying out practical work in their workshops.
Further information:
Jesús González, Press officer, MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid | 34- 91 722 50 95 | jesusg@ifema.es
Social Media MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid | Teresa Medina | Ana Almendro | - motortec@heyav.com – tel. 91 724 28 32
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Youtube Motortec Automechanika Madrid; https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC71qvfzmM1ZSMPAYRlTXxlA