MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid participates in Frankfurt

MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID is participating in AUTOMECHANIKA Frankfurt, which is held from the 11 to the 15 September in Germany, to promote its upcoming event through various meetings and activities. IFEMA is stepping up the campaign for the 15th edition of MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid –Spain’s Leading International Trade Fair for the Automotive Industry, targeting trade visitors from the Iberian Peninsula, Latin America and North Africa-, to be held from the 13 to the 16 March 2019, at Feria de Madrid.
The IFEMA delegation, led by David Moneo, Head of the IFEMA Mobility Area, will visit the Spanish exhibitor companies and will meet with several industry spokespersons at the Motortec Automechanika Madrid stand.
On the 12th, David Moneo, Head of the IFEMA Mobility Area, and Benito Tesier, President of the SERNAUTO Spare Parts Commission, will give a presentation on the 15th edition of MOTORTEC AUTOMECHANIKA MADRID, before the exhibitors of the German event, Press representatives and associations and institutions that were invited.
They will also be attending the Innovation Gallery, and the group Dinner, along with the executives of Messe Frankfurt and the representatives of the various Automechanikas around the world.
The IFEMA delegation will visit the Spanish Group Hall at AUTOMECHANIKA Frankfurt. As in previous years, SERNAUTO has organised the Spanish Group Hall, in collaboration with ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones, and this year it is 13 por ciento larger than in 2016, placing the Spanish Brand as one of the Fair’s largest national halls
Further information:
Jesús González, Press Officer for MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid |
34- 91 722 50 95 | jesusg@ifema.es
Social Media MOTORTEC Automechanika Madrid | Teresa Medina | Ana Almendro | - motortec@heyav.com – tel. 91 724 28 32
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