Cosplay, dubbing, illustration ... party: Manga-O-Rama! returns at Madrid Games Week 2019
Cosplayers like Florencia Sofen, Tifa Flynn and MiyuIshimura team up with voice actors such as Claudio Serrano, Rafael de Azcárraga and Carlos Ysbert, along with some twenty illustrators and a whole bunch of activities, contests, screenings and presentations. Party!
Manga-O-Rama !, the area of Madrid Games Week for exploring everything that Popular Culture offers beyond video games, returns in this new edition to once again be the life of the party that is MGW 2019. Of course, the big draw is again the magic of Cosplay, the focus of attention over the weekend with the presence, for the first time at the event, of the fabulous Florence Sofen, Tifa Flynn, AYAMxS, MiyuIshimura and Mizuky San, who will find themselves at home among the Manga-O-Rama cosplayer family: Astron, Kali, Prnze, Kiddo, Nami, Naomi ... who will present workshops and talks, meet with fans and neophytes and, yes, judge (with love) those who sign up for Sunday’s Cosplay Contest.
Voice actors will be essential to the event set to take Madrid by storm over the first weekend of October, of course. We will be hosting real stars, protagonists of countless hours of adventure for gamers, such as Rafael de Azcárraga and Ramón de Arana (Kratos and Atreus, father and son in God of War), Raquel Cubillo (the very fun Gru, Lorax, Paranorman, Monsters University), Ana Valeiras (BrigitteLindholm in Overwatch, ValeeraSanguinar in WoW), Juan Carlos Lozano (Gus `El Tren´ Cole from Gears of War) ... We will even have Homer himself, the great Carlos Ysbert! A world of magical voices that will delight their legion of devotees.
A major new development for this 2019 edition is Art-O-Rama !, Manga-O-Rama !'s own Artist Alley which is being launched with a composition bursting with talent of the most varied styles and themes. Twenty artists are compiling this unique space which is designed to offer the Madrid Games Week visitor direct contact with illustrators, concept artists and designers who will unleash a veritable fantasy cosmos live before our eyes. Dani Medina, David Solano, Álvaro JH, Isa Vílchez, Isabel Barba, Karpaccio, Óscar Fernández, La Veleta Orienteda, Pumpkinspatch, Mr. Ziuk, Crvda, Mike Jordana, Sandra Callejas, Yblaidd Art, The Dweller of Dreams, Patcas, Marta Deer, Juan Acosta, Rodrigo Lorenzo and Salvador Navarro will be the standard bearers of this new commitment to the Culture of illustration and the Ninth Art.
But Manga-O-Rama! MGW does not end here ... because visitors have more surprises to discover: the inhospitable worlds of impossible cinema with VHZ, the Carlos Palencia show and Vera Montessori, the live fun of the "Tiempo de Culto" (Cult Time) podcast, with Paco Fox and Angel Codon, and Skrull World, featuring Daniel Lobato, Daniel Brun and their surprise guests. Or finding out if there is any truth to the theories of an ancient alien civilization that visited the region of Murcia with researcher Miguel G. Díaz and his shocking documentary Murcian Pyramids. Nostalgics will shed heartfelt tears (of happiness, of course) with the presentations of the Dreamcast books The Eternal Dream and Next Phase by their authors Enrique Segura and Jesús Relinque. And... yes! The roar of the ring returns, the Triple W is back to shake the foundations of Madrid GamesWeek!
And like every year, MGW has launched the Manga-O-Rama Cosplay contest! It will be held on Sunday, 6 September, starting at 4pm . The jury responsible for deciding the winners will assess the originality, performance, preparation and Cosplay work in the two categories of the event: Performance and Catwalk . The best of the best - first and second place winners - will receive awesome prizes, and all participants will receive a gift, courtesy of the organisation and collaborating companies. Because there is no competition here ... Just fun!
Anyone interested in participating can check out the rules at https://www.ifema.es/madrid-games-week/manga-o-rama
Want more? We’ll think of something, for sure. Don’t miss it!
MADRID GAMES WEEK will be held from 3 to 6 October, 2019 at Feria de Madrid, and is organized by IFEMA and AEVI.
More Information:www.madridgamesweek.es IFEMA Press: Ana Uruñuela, MGW Press Officer - anau@ifema.es – tel. (0034) 91 722 50 93 https://twitter.com/MadGamesWeek@MadGamesWeek |