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03 October 2017

The 2nd International Spanish Language Forum will be held as part of LIBER 2017

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Taking place from 4 to 6 October in hall 14 of Feria de Madrid

The 2nd International Spanish Language Forum will be held as part of LIBER 2017 following the alliance set up between joint organisers the Spanish Language Platform and IFEMA, and is a continuation of the first meeting in 2015.

From 4 to 6 October, the International Book Fair, now established as the major international gathering for books in Spanish, will become the perfect place to launch this second edition of the Forum, whose priority is to promote the Spanish language as an active generator of business.

This forum is about dynamising and internationalising the various productive sectors that operate around Spanish, the world's second most spoken language.

The 2nd International Spanish Language Forum is designed to be a melting pot for participants in the cultural industry surrounding Spanish. These include institutions and companies related to the Spanish language, for example Real Academia Española [Royal Spanish Academy], Instituto Cervantes [Cervantes Institute], Universidad de Alcalá [University of Alcalá], the General Directorate of Tourism of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, the Autonomous University of Madrid, Fundación General CSIC, Fundación Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Marañón, Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla and many more organisations which contribute to the growth, innovation and expansion of the Spanish-language economy.

This forum will revolve around a full programme of technical sessions and trade meetings to facilitate contacts between private and public operators.

The activities planned include presentations, round tables, workshops and interactive games. What's more, there will be a "Business Meetings" space at the Forum with planned trade meetings set up between companies and institutions interested in creating new business opportunities.

The programme will commence on 4 October with sessions under the heading "Language Tourism". These will be centred on the internationalism and positioning of Spanish in the world through the development of language tourism. They will include professional contributions from the major institutions, universities and businesses in the sector.

On 5 October the subject of the Forum will be "Linguistic technologies for all", that will deal with the dissemination, backing and promotion of linguistic technologies and transferring their innovative value to all the economic areas in which competitiveness depends on Spanish-language technologies, content and services. 

These sessions will feature "Linguistic technologies. CervanTIC 2017´, which will include technology presentations by Instituto de Ingeniería del Conocimiento, Dail Software, Instituto Cervantes, Hermes Traducciones y Servicios Lingüísticos, Seprotec Multilingual Solutions and Berca Translator.

Finally, 6 October will be the day for "Content for ongoing thought" which will include the session "Wikinovela" organised by the Spanish Language Platform. This session will focus on the presentation of the content and results from the Collaborative Miguel de Cervantes Wikinovela, and on analysis of the contribution of digital technology to literary creation. 

With the 2nd International Spanish Language Forum and the 35th anniversary of LIBER, Madrid will again become the epicentre for the Spanish language between 4 and 6 October.