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19 July 2017

LIBER 2017 will pay tribute to the career of Emiliano Martínez, vice president of Fundación Santillana

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The tribute will take place on 5 October at Madrid's Real Fábrica de Tapices [Royal Tapestry Factory] as part of the activities at LIBER, which is being organised by IFEMA this year

The publisher Emiliano Martínez will receive the LIBER 2017 Tribute Award—presented by the International Book Fair and FGEE [Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds]—in recognition of his career dedicated exclusively to publishing textbooks in particular, both in Spain and in Latin America

With this award, the members of the Governing Board of FGEE wanted to highlight his dedication to the sector, which has led to him having a prominent presence in industry institutions. This tribute will take place at a ceremony at Madrid's Real Fábrica de Tapices on 5 October as part of the activities at LIBER, which is being organised by IFEMA this year.

Emiliano Martínez spent his whole career at the publisher Santillana, which he joined at the beginning of the 60s to explore the educational publishing market. He occupied various roles until he became president, a position in which he remained until his retirement in 2012. Over almost fifty years, he witnessed the growth of the company and its establishment in the Americas, as well as the evolution of the sector both in Spain and in Latin America.

One of the most remarkable aspects of Emiliano Martínez' career was his involvement in industry activities. He was vice president of ANELE [Association of Publishers of Books and Learning Material] for more than ten years, and was also the spokesman, vice president and president of the Madrid Publishers Association. He was also two-time president of FGEE [Spanish Association of Publishers Guilds]. As a representative of those institutions he took part in international congresses, especially those of the International Publishers Association and those related to Ibero-America, which have been a key space for invigorating and contemplating the Ibero-American book sphere.

For twenty years, he was a member of the Governing Body of Grupo Prisa, and he was a member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Santillana since its establishment in 1979. He remains vice president of the latter institution and is still committed to its work on education and Latin America.

Since 1984, the LIBER Tribute Award has recognised the work and careers of institutions or people dedicated to books. Past winners of this award include Beatriz de Moura, founder of Tusquets Editores (2016); Manuel Borrás, co-founder of the publisher Pre-Textos (2015); José Manuel Lara, president of Grupo Planeta (2014) and Juan de Isasa, ex-president of Grupo Editorial SM (2013).

As well as the LIBER Tribute Award, the International Book Fair will, at the same ceremony, confer the Award for Best Hispano-American Author to Javier Marías, and the "Boixareu Ginesta" Award for Bookshop of the Year to Madrid's Librería Lé bookshop. What's more, La Nueva España's 'Cultura' supplement will receive the Award for Promotion of Reading in the Media, and Juan Antonio Bayona will be given the Award for Best Adaptation of a Literary Work for "A Monster Calls". The Award for Promotion of Reading in Public Libraries will go to Sistema de Bibliotecas Públicas Municipais del Concello de Oleiros [Municipal Public Library System of Oleiros Council].

From 4 to 6 October at Feria de Madrid, Liber, one of the major events for Spanish-language publishing, will host 300 exhibitors who will display their latest published works and technological innovations related to the book world. The fair also includes a comprehensive programme of professional sessions to debate and reflect on industry news, as well as the award ceremony and various cultural activities.