LIBER 2017 will analyse the future of the book industry at its professional workshops
• The Professional Workshops Programme will include 46 talks, 52 por ciento more than the last edition held in Madrid.
For another year, LIBER, which will take place from 4 to 6 October at IFEMA, will host again an interesting programme of parallel professional and cultural activities which will bring together people from the publishing industry and will give the opportunity to analyse the future of the book sector.
As has become customary, events related to the American publishing industry will play a particularly significant role, including Meeting with the participants of a trade mission of librarians from the United States and the Meeting of the GIE [Grupo Iberoamericano de Editores - Ibero-American Publishers Group], and different presentations like Ibero-American university publishing –organised by ILIA and CSIC-; The Spanish-language academic book market in the United States –FGEE-; Spanish, an American language. Spanish-language books –Fundación José Ortega and Gasset-Gregorio Marañón, and Building a single Spanish language digital market: The challenge of creating an Ibero-American Digital Market –Intellectual Property Observatory-.
There will also be other sessions including Act 23/2011 on Legal Deposit: possible changes to adapt to a new publishing reality –organised by the National Library of Spain-; Education and copyright –by CEDRO-; Traducir Europa. The educational pact: managing change. Strategic guidelines in the educational content publishing sector –ANELE, with the participation of spokespeople from parliamentary groups participating in the Subcommittee on the Pact for Education-; Inter-sectoral sessions on children's and young people's literature –General Council on Children's and Young People's Books; Second round of book marketing workshops –Spanish Association of Book Chambers-; Survey on reading and book purchasing habits in Madrid and New digital publishing projects for children and young people,–both by the Subdirectorate General for Books of the Community of Madrid-; eBiblio: E-book lending services in Spanish public libraries –Subdirectorate General for Library Coordination of the Spanish Ministry for Education, Culture and Sport-; New technologies and promoting reading –Subdirectorate for Books, Reading and Spanish Literature of the Spanish Ministry for Education, Culture and Sport-; International book and publishing fairs. Madrid’s participation in FIL, Guadalajara –Madrid City Council-.
There will also be other sessions organised by FGEE including ISBN and Dilve keep up to date; Independent publishing and companies offering services to authors: A new setting in the publishing market; Poetry publishing problems: a permanent crisis?; Digital public libraries: Perspectives and challenges; The internet as a sales channel for printed books: Conclusions from the printed books e-commerce study in Spain; Books and augmented reality; The role of comic book shops; Copyright protection in relation to digital technology: Links and making material available on the internet; Books and hypermedia content; The Gutenberg Project; and Presentation on the Report on academic publishing in Spain.
There will be other sessions on Translation grants in EU countries –European Union National Institutes for Culture, EUNIC Spain-; Debates on digital evolution in Spanish-language markets, organised by Dosdoce.com; Challenges of protecting content online –by the Coalition of Content Creators and Industries-; Presentation of the Report on the economic value of translation in publishing and Translators and proofreaders: enemies or allies?–ACE Traductores-; Free versus paid content –Asociación de Editores de Madrid-; Legislative needs for authors –ACE and CEDRO-; Piracy and publishing: pirates aren't just in the Caribbean –ACE-; The European Directive on the Digital Single Market–VEGAP-; The artists' statute and How is Copyright Law protected? Authors’ and illustrators’ copyright. The budget as a binding tool –APIM-; The myth of neutral Spanish –Colectivo Cultural CompluLetras-; Sustainability in the publishing sector supply chain. Creating a shared value –PEFC España [Spanish Association for Forestry Sustainability].
LIBER 2017, organised by IFEMA and the FGEE, will take place from 4 to 6 October in Madrid. It is sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport and the Reading Promotion Plan, the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness; ICEX, the Autonomous Government of Madrid, Madrid City Council and CEDRO, with the collaboration of the Asociación de Editores de Madrid [Madrid Publishers Association] and –AC/E Acción Cultural Española.
Professional Programme and updates: here