AccessibleEU organizes the European event on safe, inclusive and accessible mobility at Global Mobility Call

The event will be held on Tuesday, October 24, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
In its role as Strategic European Partner, it convenes institutional, business, social and expert representatives to address scenarios and best practices for a more inclusive mobility. Fundación ONCE will also present its personal assistance robot AccessRobots in the GMC Expo space.
AccessibleEU will participate as Strategic European Partner in Global Mobility Call and will lead the European day "Safe, Inclusive and Accessible Mobility in Smart Cities", an innovation and debate workshop that will address scenarios and best practices for accessible mobility.
In the second edition of the event organized by IFEMA MADRID and Smobhub, which will be celebrated from 24 to 26 October and will bring together all sectors and actors working for the development of sustainable mobility, AccessibleEU is organizing this day with institutional, business, social and expert representatives.
The event, which is part of the GMC Congress space segment, will be held on October 24 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the EUForum, and includes an institutional welcome by Jesús Hernandez Galán, director of Accessibility and Innovation of Fundación ONCE and director of AccessibleEU; Jesús Martín Blanco, acting director general for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the Spanish Government, and Marta Vall-llossera, president of the CSCAE.
Afterwards, the panel "Accessible Mobility and the City" will have the participation of Ángela Baldellou, from CSCAE; Nuria Matarredona or Ángela de la Cruz, from Mitma; Rosa Mª Arce, from TRANSyT; Luis Alonso, from CERMI, and will be moderated by Delfín Jiménez, from AccessibleEU.
In the panel "Accessible Mobility and Best Practices" will participate Jaime Borrel, from Alstom; Carlos Zorita, from ATUC-Metro de Madrid; Jaime Armengol, from Fundación Ibercaja; Fabio Sgardi, from Hidral Gobel, and will be moderated by Gálata Llano, from Safecity.
In the GMC Expo space, Fundación ONCE will be presenting AccessRobots at its stand. This project has been developed through Inserta Innovación whose technicians have carried out the development of the first robot capable of aiding people with disabilities (sensory, physical and cognitive) in complex environments, such as transport infrastructures as modal interchanges, airports and train stations, hospitals or shopping malls and large surfaces.
The robot offers security and autonomy to be able to access these facilities under equal conditions, eliminating the barriers faced by these people when developing the desired activity. The system incorporates, through an application, a personalized and accessible reservation module, which is a unique system in the field of services associated with the development of the activity for which the robot is intended, which has already been extensively tested by end users in real environments.
In this sense, users interested in trying it will be accompanied, using the stand as a starting point and the Business Forum as the destination point.