Register your project in the Innovation Gallery

Innovation Gallery project presentation Form

Innovation Gallery 2024 Rules

GENERA 2024 announces the tenth INNOVATION GALLERY. The Innovation Gallery at GENERA 2024 will demonstrate some of the main investigations of today regarding renewable energy and efficient energy.

This initiative of GENERA will offer the opportunity of recognition and collaboration for professionals and institutions from the research world, considered to have an essential role in this sector. Moreover, it seeks to contribute towards providing better knowledge of the research projects underway for their future beneficiaries - businesses and professionals from the energy sector and society in general.

The Innovation Gallery of the exhibition will bring together a selection of projects with clear technologically innovative components, carried out by exhibitor companies and public and private bodies.

The projects will show proposals with regard to energy efficiency, renewable energy and environmental protection. Likewise, the projects that are exhibited must be connected to products and/or developments that have possibilities of reaching the market. The presentation of programmes is explicitly excluded.

Projects will be assessed taking into account the following characteristics:

  • Level of innovation.
  • Energy efficiency.
  • Applicability.
  • Strategic aspects: capacity to have a positive influence on the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Each project will be presented through the application form “Project Presentation File” (available on the GENERA website), clearly highlighting the innovative aspect, the added value it provides and all other details requested. It is an essential prerequisite that the form is submitted together with an Executive Summary and Project Report (see outline on how to prepare these in point below).

Presenting other descriptive material is optional. All materials must be submitted in Spanish or accompanied by a translation if they have been prepared in another language. None of the materials submitted will be returned.

The same company may present more than one project in independent files, provided that all the requirements are met. The same project may only be presented once.

A Selection Committee will decide as to whether to include the project in the Innovation Gallery.

Candidates must prepare a document that is a maximum of 10 pages long (1 page Executive Summary + 9 pages developing the Report), which contains the following headings and characteristics.


MSWord; font Arial 12; justified margins: 3 cm; automatic hyphens; single-spaced.

Table of contents:

  • Executive summary - Maximum 1 page –
  • Project title.
  • Presentation of the company institution or professional creating the project and contact details.
  • Track record (with project start and end dates)
  • Description of the project, the technology it uses, its scope, functionality and usefulness.
  • A detailed explanation of the innovative aspect of the project and the added value it provides.
  • Other relevant data.

The projects shall be selected on the basis of their Executive Summaries. It is therefore ESSENTIAL that the Report is preceded by a sufficiently explanatory EXECUTIVE SUMMARY which synthesises the essential characteristics of the project.

This will be formed by professionals of well-known prestige from the sector. The duties of the Selection Committee will be as follows:

  • Analyse the different applications.
  • Assess each project.
  • Prepare a final report that includes their decision on the projects selected.
  • Ensure the confidentiality of the information received and analysed.

The decision of the Committee will be final.

The selected projects will receive communication advantages as, due to the extensive media coverage, the Gallery will place the projects in a position of high media visibility.

In addition, the selected projects will have the opportunity to appear at GENERA through an informative poster.

The following communication activities will take place:

  • Specific press release issued by GENERA's Communications Office, which Will form part of the press dossier for the trade fair.
  • Acknowledgement in the promotional material for the fair (material published subsequent to the final decision on the composition of the Gallery).
  • Publication on the GENERA web page containing the summary.
  • Exposure at the fair, through explanatory panels. Each company or organisation shall be in charge of preparing their own panels, following the set format given by the GENERA Organisation

The applications for presentation of the projects (Proyect Presentation Form, Project Report and Executive Summary) must be received at the GENERA secretary's office before January 8, 2024

Communication to participants of the results of the selection process: January 22, 2024.

The selection of projects for the Innovation Gallery will be published before GENERA 2024.

The registering of a project in the GENERA 2024 Innovation Gallery involves knowledge and acceptance of the contents of these terms and conditions and acceptance of the decision of the Selection Committee, which may not be appealed against.

The Selection Committee will agree to keep the necessary confidentiality, although IFEMA MADRID/GENERA is not liable for temporary incidents regarding this matter

The decisions of this Selection Committee will be final.

The trade fair reserves the right to suspend, postpone, modify or cancel this announcement for any reason considered necessary, communicating as such to the participants.