Javier Ara (AEDICI): “seeing the trends over recent months, we’re looking forward to a significant recovery in this sector.”
Javier Ara is a member of the board of the Spanish Association of Engineering and Consulting Engineers Facilities (AEDICI). He forecasts a good year in 2022, with a significant recovery in the air conditioning and refrigeration sector, provided the raw materials crisis doesn’t hold it back. And he expresses his satisfaction with the C&R 2021 Fair, the product presentations and the technical workshops.
For Javier Ara of AEDICI, the results for his association’s participation in the Air Conditioning & Refrigeration 2021 Fair are very satisfactory. “We’ve seen a lot more people here during the middle days of the Fair. Exhibitors’ product presentations have been outstanding, and we’ve been to technical workshops with very engaging speakers and influential attendees.”
Regarding the recovery in the air conditioning and refrigeration sector, this expert notes that “we still have some way to go before we get back to the levels before the Covid crisis.” However, he points out that “the movement and interest in recent months bode well for 2022, with a significant recovery in our sector, provided the raw materials crisis doesn’t hold it back.