Thirty innovative educational experiences selected for presentation at SIMO EDUCATION 2019

Visual thinking; gamification and gamification with escape room; flipped classroom; cooperative learning; social-emotional education; inclusion and gender equality; STEAM projects with mathematics, robotics and computational thinking; video game creation, coding tools and 3D design are some of the selected topics. The Fair, organised by IFEMA in collaboration with EDUCATION 3.0, will be held from 5th to 7th November at Feria de Madrid
As every year, the innovative teaching practices being developed by schools all over Spain will be showcased at SIMO EDUCACIÓN, the Educational Technology Fair organised by IFEMA in partnership with EDUCACIÓN 3.0, which will be held from 5th to 7th November 2019 at Feria de Madrid.
From among nearly 200 initiatives received, the jury has selected a total of 30 experiences from all educational levels and on very varied topics that address, among others, methodologies such as gamification applied to various subjects and gamification in the form of escape room or break out, among others. Numerous STEAM projects in maths, science, robotics and programming have also been submitted. Similarly, the jury has valued the originality of video games made by students, 3D design projects, or applications for social inclusion. The selection also includes cooperative learning initiatives, assessment methods and socio-emotional education for students with tools such as mindfulness in the classroom.
The selected experiences will be presented during the three days of SIMO EDUCATION, as 30-minute talks. They will all be candidates for the 7th Awards for Educational Innovation to the Best Innovative Experience, which will be judged soon, and which are a special recognition for teachers who contribute to transforming education.
(view the details of each of the experiences)
1. Digital Escape Room 2019.
Team of teachers (Iñaki Fernández, Montse Jansá, Quique Castillo, David Sierra, Antonio Bernabéu, Vicente Alemany, Isabel García and Laura Casquet) at different schools in Spain: Real Monasterio de Santa Isabel School (Barcelona), Ricardo Bernardo Secondary (Solares, Cantabria), Campoazahar Pre-School & Primary (Santomera, Murcia), Gabriel Miró Secondary (Orihuela, Alicante), Real Monasterio de Santa Isabel School (Barcelona), Bernardino de Escalante Secondary (Laredo, Cantabria); San Vicente de Paúl School (Benavente, Zamora).
2. The Secret of the Templars
Juan José Romero and Oscar Cortina - Lope de Vega International School (Benidorm, Valencia Region)
3. Visual Thinking in the Literature Classroom
Alicia Romero López - Lamas de Abade Secondary (Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña)
4. UkeVega Project: Gamification and Flipped Classroom in Music
Marta Serrano Gil - Virgen de la Vega School (Benavente, Zamora)
5. Ignorantius
Antonio Garrido Jiménez - Albaida Secondary (Almería)
6. Cooperative Assessments for Learning
Marina Blanco Barrios and Elena Hernández Lambies - Molivent Pre-School & Primary (Guardamar del Segura, Alicante)
7. e-Twinning Project: “Cultural Heritage is important for you, for me, for us”. Javier Ramos Sancha and Julián Sanz Mamolar - San Gregorio School (Aguilar de Campoo, Palencia)
8. The Car of the Future
Carlos García Turrillo - Hermano Gárate Salesian School (Ciudad Real)
9. Sintaxis no hay Paraíso (No Syntax, No Heaven)
Juan Sosa Ceballos - Heidelberg School (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
10. Contacting the International Space Station
Miguel Siquier Capó- Sant Josep Obrer y Luis Vives School (Palma de Mallorca)
11. Film Makers of the Ancient World
Adrián Martínez Echarri - Nuestra Señora de Loreto School (Madrid)
12. I Know How to Solve Problems with Equations
Nacho Santa-María Megía - Heidelberg School (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)
13. Building Our Own Teaching Methodology
Ingrid Mosquera Gende-Unir (La Rioja International University)
14. Compartic: A Challenge for Improving Learning in Adult Education: Adult Education
Daniel García Fernández - Enric Valor Adult Education Centre (Xirivella, Valencia)
15. PRI&VET GameDev Project. Creating a Cross-centre Multi-level Videogame. Daniela’s Historical Adventures.
Sergio Banderas and Carmen González - Campanillas Secondary (Málaga) and Miguel Hernández Pre-School & Primary (Almogía, Málaga)
16. EscuaDRÓN Matemático (Maths SquaDrone)
Ibán de la Horra Villacé – Divina Providencia School (Tordesillas, Valladolid)
17. Bombones platónicos (Platonic Candy)
Mari Carmen García González - IES Schamann – (Gran Canaria, Las Palmas Gran Canaria)
18. Ada Byron and the Secret Inventions Club
Mariano Suárez Rodríguez – Tremañes School (Gijón, Asturias)
19. Women on the Moon
Pedro Jesús Ramón Torregrosa – Gregorio Salvador Secondary (Cúllar, Granada)
20. Fortnite EF University
Víctor Arufe – Faculty of Education, La Coruña University
21. Health Warriors
Juan Expósito Bautista – Santa Florentina Pre-School & Primary (La Palma - Cartagena)
22. The Creature
Patricia Cruz Sanz – Francisco Gómez de los Ríos Secondary (Alcobendas, Madrid)
Mindfulness: Full Attention Up to 3 Years: A New Reality.
María Luisa Teresa Fenollosa - Isabel González Torres Infants School and David Ruiz Carrillo (Chilches, Castellón)
24. Emociónate (Get Emotional). Emotional education with 2nd year of High School. Inés Pradana Carrión – Nova Hispalis School (Sevilla la Nueva, Madrid)
25. A Special Day
Pascual Ruso Quesada and María Antonia Payá – CEU Jesús María School (Alicante)
26. Fair of Inventions
José Angel Juárez Ortuno, Ana Barrón Almendros, Alba Vallejo Grande – Patrocinio San José School (Madrid)
27. Bottled Science: A Maker Experience
Trinitario Grau Fernández – Juan de Valdés School (Madrid)
28. Superheroes in educACTION
Carlos García Junco – La Inmaculada School and Oviedo University
29. Matters of interest: A True Bond between Family and School. Francisco Cid Fornell – Quintanilla Pre-School & Primary (Cadiz)
30. In Code
Almudena Gómez Frutos - Virgen Niña Ikastextea School (Amurrio, Álava)