International Exhibition of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronic Industries
The International Exhibition of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronic Industries, MATELEC Latinoamérica, has established itself as the flagship event for both trade and knowledge transfer in the Chilean electrical and electronic industry, which in the past few years has positioned itself as an important pillar in the economy of the country, making Chile a very attractive international market for Spanish companies.

Multisector Meeting Sheet
These three events provide a great opportunity for manufacturers and exporters looking to invest in Chile and the rest of the continent, considering the facilities offered by the country for business development, making it ideal for investment and internationalisation in view of its numerous trade agreements which allow it to access markets worldwide.
The alliance between the IFEMA and EDITEC trade fairs represents the creation of a major trading platform which will offer great opportunities to international companies taking part and a significant boost for the energy, electrical and electronic industries throughout the region.
- Trade Fairs:
ExpoERNC, Third Renewable Energy Trade Fair and Conference
Genera Latinoamérica, Fourth International Exhibition of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Matelec Latinoamérica, Third International Exhibition of Solutions for the Electrical and Electronic Industries