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Visitors looking at a cross

Previous edition

FERIARTE 2023 celebrated its 46th edition.

The fair brought together in Madrid the 68 most specialised antique dealers and art galleries from all over Spain, together with representatives from Italy, Belgium and Portugal.

This great offer in antiques was complemented and enriched by the high quality of the contemporary art works of highly recognised artists.

This edition was dedicated to the 19th century. Visitors were able to enjoy various lectures and master classes on the great 19th century and other topics such as the art market and collecting.

YouArt Space: young people and new collectors found a selection of works to get started in art collecting and buying art at a maximum price of 5,000 euros.

Both the activities forum and the space for young people were directed and coordinated by professors and students of the Master's Degree in Art Market Management at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

This is what you will find at Feriarte.

Exhibition artworks