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04 January 2018

IFEMA opens a digital store on eBay for Feriarte

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• The opening in the largest online store coincides with the International Art and Antiques Fair, and is a crucial step towards its digitisation plan

• Art and antique collectors can now access the online store, which boasts more than 1000 pieces that have been selected and displayed by antique dealers and art galleries participating in the latest edition of the Fair, and have therefore been validated beforehand by the Expert Committee.

• The experience will also be extended to the stands of the Christmas 2017 ALMONEDA, whose e-store will be activated shortly.

IFEMA has taken a further step in its digitisation strategy by opening FERIARTE, the International Art and Antiques Fair, to the electronic sales world, extending art piece distribution and access to buyers and collectors throughout the whole world. IFEMA thus enters the eBay online platform with its own FERIARTE online store, where more than 1000 pieces selected and exhibited by antique dealers and art galleries during the latest edition, which closed its gates on 26th November, are available. These pieces were validated beforehand by the FERIARTE Expert Committee.

Our new eBay store will thus allow lovers of antiques and modern visual arts, collectors and professionals both in Spain and abroad to purchase exclusive pieces that are over 100 years old as well as a selection of works from renowned modern artists.

Visual arts, graphical works, sculpture, archaeology, decorative arts, jewellery, books and maps, architectural elements, ceramics and porcelain, ivory and silverware, and tribal and primitive art. Hundreds of exceptional and exclusive pieces whose quality and authenticity are attested by the FERIARTE Expert Committee, formed by over 40 specialists in the various fields, after reviewing them in the days prior to the start of the Fair. Feriarte Digital, which now has its own space on eBay, therefore guarantees their excellence by displaying only pieces from its stands, validated beforehand by the experts.

This project falls within the framework of the IFEMA digital plan that has been underway over the past months with two leading technology partners: eBay and MODDO. It gives the FERIARTE art dealers an online sales outlet for all the works and pieces presented in the fair, increasing their availability for sale to all 365 days in a year. Furthermore, it helps to extend the validity and duration of the fair itself and provides a driving force for the business through e commerce.

This experience shall also be extended to the participants in the Christmas ALMONEDA, Antique, Art Gallery and Collecting Fair, which closed its gates on 17th December. Its e-store will be activated in eBay shortly.