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24 May 2021

The air conditioning and cooling sector and the sustainable construction industry have joined forces for the #ComunidadInstalador campaign

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News sections, together with professional associations, installers and manufacturers, is promoting the digital campaign #ComunidadInstalador, aimed at increasing the visibility of installers, ensuring their work gets the recognition and respect it deserves and attracting new recruits. The campaign has the backing of the C&R air conditioning and cooling trade fair organised by IFEMA.

The #ComunidadInstalador campaign aims to underline the value of professional installation and service technicians, creating a community that supports the trade’s visibility and purpose.

While the job of installation and service technician may not be very widely known, it requires a high level of technical expertise and enjoys a very low unemployment rate. It also requires considerable creativity, responsibility and commitment in order to ensure the proper functioning of systems and equipment that are essential to the well-being of the public and the environment.

It is a profession of which its members can be proud, with a decisive role in the energy transition toward renewable energy and with great importance for the renovation of housing stock. It is also a strategic element in both boosting the country’s competitiveness and economic revitalisation, and meeting European sustainability targets.

10 factors underlining the value of installers

Working together with professional associations, installers and manufacturers, has drawn up a 10-point list highlighting some of the reasons to respect and value the profession and also to encourage future installers to choose this job.

1. Essential work: vital work for society, essential both to the cold chain and the comfort of citizens.

2. Creative and practical: a creative and practical job that requires imaginative solutions and on-the-spot troubleshooting.

3. Environmental commitment: a key profession in promoting renewable energy and ensuring energy efficiency.

4. Highly rated technical profile: requires advanced technical expertise, linked to new, state-of-the-art technologies in high demand.

5. High-demand profession: marginal levels of unemployment and good professional prospects.

6. Teamwork: working as part of a multidisciplinary team, related to various profiles and professional sectors.

7. Continuous and accessible training: a wide range of continuous and accessible training provided by public and private entities.

8. Strong professional associations: working in defence of your professional interests.

9. Profession with career prospects: allows you to expand your professional profile through higher-level training and access to work at international level.

10. Sector-wide support: a profession with strong support, both in training and provisions, from manufacturers and product distributors.

Digital campaign

The web portal has designed a 10-part digital publicity action campaign, which will be rolled out over the coming months (up to December 2021), with the aim of publicising this 10-point list and promoting the value of the profession in general.

According to this portal, ‘Over the next few months, we will post video testimonials from young students and seasoned professionals, launch press campaigns publicising the 10 reasons for becoming an installer, record a podcast, and publish comic strips in which cartoon characters Carl and Frida will show real stories from installers’ daily work, alongside other actions that we will share through our social media’. In addition, ‘we will be sending useful information and materials to members of the #ComunidadInstalador community so that they can take part in this publicity campaign’.