21 March 2023

The HVAC market grew by more than 21% in 2022

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AFEC, the Association of HVAC Equipment Manufacturers, presented its annual report on the HVAC market and solutions for thermal installations, which grew by more than 21% in 2022. The study reviews the main keys of the HVAC sector, the legislative environment and the trends and challenges for 2023.

The presentation ceremony included the speech by María Valcarce, director of the International HVAC and Refrigeration Exhibition, who presented the data for C&R 2023, which will be held from 14 to 17 November 2023.

The meeting, which took place at the headquarters of UNE (Spanish Standardisation Association), was attended by Javier García, director general of UNE, who explained the value of standards in the industry; Federico Muñoz, deputy director general of CEIS (Centre for Testing, Innovation and Services), who stressed the importance of certification and conformity assessment of equipment in the HVAC sector, especially given the technological transformation and the rise of certain solutions, such as the heat pump; and María Valcarce, director of the International HVAC and Refrigeration Exhibition, who made an introduction to the call for the next C&R fair, which will be held from 14 to 17 November this year.

Speaking on behalf of AFEC were its president Francisco Perucho; two of the presidents of the market committees; the former president of AFEC Luis Mena, and Miguel Lautour; and the general manager Marta San Román. Between them they gave an overview of the AFEC market report, which includes the aggregate data of equipment for the production of heat, cold and domestic hot water; the distribution and diffusion of air; ventilation; residential ventilation; and air treatment units.

Heat pumps and DHW

The methodology of AFEC's statistical analysis of the HVAC market was then explained, as well as the results of the studies, which show a total market growth of 21%. In the case of HVAC equipment, heat pumps and domestic hot water production, the growth in turnover was 24% compared to 2021. In the residential/domestic sector, the figures for 2022 were 978,958 units sold for an overall value of €739.12 million.

The trend in sales of aerothermal heat pumps (air-to-water, including domestic hot water production) continues to be very positive. In 2022, air-water equipment has increased from representing 16% in value terms in 2021 to accounting for 20% of the total market for HVAC equipment, heat pumps and domestic hot water production, which confirms the rise of this technology as a combined heating, cooling and domestic hot water production system.

Decarbonisation and infrastructure

This was followed by a sectoral overview of the trends and the market environment for 2023, from the decarbonisation of the electricity sector to investments in productive infrastructure, including the necessary balance between digitalisation and the ecological transition; the essential role of smart HVAC for the decarbonisation of society and buildings, and the sustainability and efficiency of cities; energy transformation; new business and professional profiles; requirements in terms of environmental health and indoor air quality, with ventilation, filtration, cleaning, purification, among others, in the spotlight; the focus on complete solutions and hybridisation of technologies; the drive for connectivity and the consequent measurement, regulation, control and monitoring; etc.