Why exhibit?
Exhibiting at Almoneda is a unique opportunity to connect with a specialised audience and discover the latest trends and developments in the antiques, art galleries and collectors sector.
Be part of the meeting for antiques, art galleries and collectors professionals.
Open your market
Generates new opportunities for expansion and internationalisation.
Knowledge exchange
Present your new products and learn about the latest trends in the sector.
Boost your brand
Strengthen your brand positioning and take advantage of the media impact.
The event that will make your business grow
Here are some of the most relevant data from last year's edition.
Our visitors and exhibitors
Almoneda is the meeting point for antiques, art galleries and collectors sector professionals. Find out everything you need to know about the visitor and exhibitor profile.
Visitor profile
- Lovers of decoration, art and antiques.
- Collectors.
- Lovers of responsible consumption in search of recovered objects to give them a new life.
Exhibitor profile
- Anticuarios
- Almonedistas
- Galerias de arte
How to participate?
Here are all the steps to participate in the next edition of Almoneda. The process won't take you long and we will be with you to help you with any questions.

Do you want to build your stand with us?
We offer you a comprehensive service to achieve a personalised design totally adapted to your needs. So easy, simple and convenient, a turnkey product.