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05 November 2018

SIMO EDUCATION INNOVA highlights 21 avant-garde products for the classroom

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All of these proposals can be found at SIMO EDUCATION 2018, from the 13 to 15 November in Hall 14.1 at Feria de Madrid

For the second consecutive year, SIMO EDUCATION will be presenting the platform SIMO EDUCATION INNOVA, an initiative that aims to highlight the main technological contributions developed for education, among all of the offerings presented at the Trade Show, from the 13 to 15 November. A total of 20 avant-garde products were chosen for this event.

The Selection Committee followed criteria of novelty, technological advance, improved functionality, usability and design, as well as relevance for new teaching methodologies.
The products chosen are:
Grupo Ormo: Cloubi
Cloubi is an online platform, originating in Finland, which allows the school, teachers and editors to create interactive digital educational content, following their own philosophy and the educational values of the 21st century.
This immersion environment for Primary and Secondary students was created to facilitate the use of student-oriented methodologies and personalised learning environments (PLE).
CIFRA EDUCATION SL: Cifra Education App:
An application for comprehensive management of learning and communications centres, with a version for mobile devices, that notifies when a message is received from any of the centre users.
Esri España: Esri School Program
In addition to free access to ArcGIS, the geo-spatial software with 2D and 3D maps, this program includes educational and training content for both students and teachers.
This robotics platform, compatible with building blocks (LEGO), allows students from 4th year of primary upwards to program with blocks.
ROBOTRÓNICA: The robot museum, educational pass
Robotics, gamification and Breakout Edu come together in this initiative where students learn basic concepts of robotics and electronics, along with values such as cooperation, injustice and creativity.
Macmillan Education and BQ: bMaker
Aimed for students from 8 to 15 years-old, this solution includes a digital platform and the robotics kits necessary to provide programming and robotics learning thanks to its 100 por ciento digital philosophy and its methodology based on cooperative and practical learning and on project resolution.
Promethean LTD: Promethean Whiteboard App
This application for the company’s ActivPanel interactive panels allows for division of the work space into two sections, to promote collaborative work. It also recognises gestures on the surface such as zooming or erasing the content.
ALLNET: Brick'R'Knowledge:
An electronic kit that allows bricks to be easily inter-connected to create circuits and to program their operation with open-code software.
Grupo Edelvives: The legend of the legacy
This project for primary school children aims for children to become the main character in their learning thanks to gamification. It also has a module that generates evaluations and another for signatures.
SM: Apprender
An educational application store that caters for all stages and the main subjects, promoting development of multiple intelligences in a safe environment for students.
Atlantic Devices Post Print, S.L.: Smart e-Blackboard G3
This huge blackboard (4 metres) has dual functionality: it is both a traditional blackboard and an HD collaborative multi-touch screen. 
Flexbot: Flexbot ClassPack Primary
Various electronics and robotics kits that allow for cross-sectional and collaborative incorporation of these disciplines to such diverse subjects as Music or Natural Science.
Smart Crambo: Comprehensive ICT solution for SMART education centres.
This solution is based on three pillars: training, hardware and software. It can be personalised pursuant to the needs of each centre and complemented with STEAM kits, document viewers, remote equipment maintenance systems... 
A programming game for students 6 years-old and up, that allows them to create sequences by organising cardboard pieces by hand and to execute them on a mobile application.
SAMSUNG: Galaxy Tab S4
This 10.5-inch screen tablet with Android operating system can turn into a traditional computer when used with the DeX accessory.
A robotics arm that brings the world of industry 4.0 to students in Secondary, Higher-secondary, VT and universities.
This area aims to promote interaction and exploration of new technologies, development of 21st century skills and to encourage collaborative and quality work among the teaching community, among others.
CASIO: Mercury-free schools
The first centres certified as “Mercury-free schools” are working with eco-projectors with LED-laser technology and with sustainable itineraries.
HP: HP Elite Slice G2 with Intel Unite
This equipment with Intel Core vPro processor wirelessly connects the teacher or student computers, in order to share materials and collaborate in real time.

A digital platform that allows ABP technology to be implemented, to manage own or third-party projects. It creates, duplicates or personalises your own projects or those of your school or institution, thus generating a database of projects; it communicates and organises student tasks; it performs cooperative tasks between participants and groups; it synchronises documents and calendar with Google Drive and Office 365; it uploads your content to the cloud and contains the edebe cloud library, creating a safe search environment.