SIMO EDUCACIÓN 2018 to present 30 innovative educational experiences
Gamification in the guise of escape games (escape rooms and break-out), video games and other tools; STEAM initiatives on robotics and programming; interdisciplinary and maker projects; proposals on affective-sexual diversity; gender equality; emotional education and values education; disability and service learning are among some of the topics chosen
Organized by IFEMA in collaboration with Educación 3.0, the Fair will be held from November 13 to 15 in Hall 14.1 at Feria de Madrid
Good teaching practices will once again be showcased in the next edition of SIMO EDUCACIÓN, the Education Technology Fair organized by IFEMA to be held from November 13 to 15, 2018 at the Feria de Madrid. This time around, the jury has chosen a total of 30 experiences from the 340 received. Given the quantity and quality of the innovative projects submitted, the selection process is an increasingly challenging one.
This year’s submissions include experiences from every teaching level on a wide variety of topics such as gamification in the form of escape games (escape rooms and break-outs), video games and other tools; STEAM initiatives on robotics and programming; interdisciplinary and maker projects; proposals on affective-sexual diversity; gender equality; emotional education and values education; disability, or service learning.
Furthermore, the 30 experiences chosen will compete for the Education Innovation Prizes from SIMO EDUCACIÓN soon to be awarded.
European Valley
Jorge Calvo - Colegio Europeo de Madrid (Las Rozas, Madrid)
European Valley is a project created by the teaching and management team from this university and enhanced by their students. Its aim it to address the needs of students who will be working in professions that do not yet exist, on teams, with creative, entrepreneurial or solidary skills and will have to know how to apply technology to any field. Some of the activities they have carried out are: transversal projects, a 3D prosthesis of a hand (for a primary school student), initiatives in online education and online health, with family participation, etc.
TTrans-Formando. Proyecto sobre diversidad afectivo-sexual, familiar, identidad de género y acoso escolar (TTrans-Formando Project on family, affective-sexual diversity, gender identity and harassment at school)
Mª del Rocío Hernández - Centro de Profesorado Cuevas-Olula (Cuevas del Almanzora, Almería)
This project arises from the need to endow the educational community with materials and resources for implementing policies on Equality, Co-education and LGTBI diversity in Andalusia, for disseminating the existing laws and policies in Spain and Latin America and making LGTBI diversity more visible as a form of prevention against the high percentage of harassment this group receives during school age. The result of this is the TTrans-Formando web point of awareness-raising, information and training for the educational community regarding LGTBI diversity.
Cómeme a besos (Kisses are Sweet)
Carla Menéndez - CP Príncipe de Asturias (Gijón, Asturias)
This Service Learning project aims to foster equality and politeness among students in nursery school, primary school and the Open Classroom. It is based on using recipes for food to create "recipes for politeness", by which 1 kg of flour or 200 grams of sugar are substituted by emotional ingredients: 1 kg of hugs, 200 grams of love, a handful of kisses...Furthermore, this school has worked closely with diversity and has involved the families. This initiative has benefited from the collaboration of several different institutions and organisms in Gijón.
Escapar de clase (Escape from class). The In-class Escape Room
Inés Pradana - Colegio Nova Hispalis (Sevilla la Nueva, Madrid)
Done with 4th-year Compulsory Secondary Education students in Spanish Language and Literature class, the purpose of using the escape room is to consolidate the learning contents of the subject matter as well as to develop the students’ intellectual, creative and deductive reasoning skills. These games were played using classic escape game resources (impossible padlocks, safes, door locks, etc.) as well as digital tools (digital padlocks, encrypted pages, net searches, etc.). Some require using platforms such as BreakoutEDU, Classcraft, Lights Out, etc.
Proquo: soluciones tecnológicas desde la escuela para personas con capacidad reducida (Proquo: technological solutions from school for people with reduced ability) (Las Galletas, Arona, Tenerife)
Marcos Antonio Méndez - Centro del Profesorado Tenerife Sur (Tenerife, Canary Islands)
This was carried out at eight schools in Tenerife and the South Tenerife Educational Resource Centre with the aim of developing technological solutions to improve the daily life of people with disability. They did so in collaboration with Coordicanarias, an NGO that has been helping such people for over 35 years. The first step was to hold a get-together between the students and the people with disability, and then to develop different prototypes. The methodologies used were PBL and cooperative learning.
El Aula Multinivel de Matemáticas (The Multi-level Math Room)
Guillermo Lladó - Colegio Lladó (Palma, Majorca)
The multi-level strategy of this experience is based on a collaborative learning structure in which the contents to be developed are the same for all the learners, though differing in the activities they perform. All the tasks are designed using Bloom's taxonomy. Moreover, each learning unit must cover all the taxonomic grades at each level of difficulty while also developing the competencies of initiative and learning how to learn.
Abrazos 3D solidarios (Solidarity Hugs in 3D)
Marcos García - Daina-Isard Cooperativa d’Ensenyament SCCL (Olesa de Montserrat, Barcelona)
The 3rd-year STEM (biology-geology, physics-chemistry and technology) students organized a solidarity workshop on 3D printing for the 2nd grade students in primary school. By building a robotic arm (with cardboard, rubber bands, cotton thread, etc.), the students learned and internalized real projects of printing prostheses with 3D technologies for people with some type of disability. At the end of the school workshop, the primary students told their families about the values of social responsibility they had learned.
Spiderman sabe trigonometría (Spiderman know trigonometry)
Isabel García y Alberto González - Colegio San Vicente de Paúl (Benavente, Zamora)
This Project Based Learning (PBL) project for 4th year students of compulsory secondary education consisted of carrying out a set of challenges through action scenes in Spiderman films. In doing so, they developed and applied mathematic concepts of trigonometry, resemblance and geometry to calculate distances to villains, the length of spider webs, angles, etc. Spiderman's superpowers are the contents of the curriculum the learners worked on.
Creación del equipo piloto ABP en Politècnics, cambiando el contexto de aula (Creating a PBL pilot team at Politècnics by changing the classroom setting)
Antonio Domingo Alonso – Centre d’Estudis Politècnics (Mataró, Barcelona)
During the 2017-2018 school year, this teaching center created a PBL pilot team to empower students, who set up a CrowdHelping platform and a virtual escape room, among other activities. In addition, the more experienced teachers helped the rest of the faculty members making it continuous peer training as well. The students themselves learned the curriculum and honed their professional and personal skills.
Yolanda Alonso - Colegios Santísima Trinidad (Plasencia, Cáceres)
This cross-disciplinary experience carried out over two school years involved joint work at all the teaching stages of the school and included the entire educational community in making an artistic representation in one of the multi-purpose rooms. That space then took on a more didactic objective to provide different learning experiences, such as a similarity study on the artwork and reality in the 4th year Mathematics class in Compulsory Secondary Education, writing poems in English in primary school, etc. The project was assessed on several occasions.
Los super matihéroes (SuperMathheroes)
Aarón Asencio - Colegio San José de Cluny (Novelda, Alicante)
Carried out in 5th grade of Primary School, this gamification project involved having the students, both individually and as a team, achieve daily classroom objectives (rules, fulfilling the functions of their roles, making the worksheets/activities, etc.). Done in Mathematics class and using the theme of superheroes, at the end of the course, the students answered a survey as to which class they had liked the best. 90 por ciento of the class answered "mathematics".
Proyecto #EfGif (The #EfGif Project)
Óscar Herrero Castillo - CEIP Arcipreste de Hita (El Espinar, Segovia)
This experience was carried out in a Physical Education class with 84 primary school students divided into four groups. A variety of different active methodologies were integrated into the experience, such as cooperative learning, gamification, inclusion, and flipped classroom, and had the support of cooperative learning technologies as a way to booster the students' motivation and involvement as well as encouraging meaningful learning.
Escuela de detectives (Detective school)
Susana Alarcón y Mercedes Revert - CEIP Reino de Murcia (Murcia)
During the past school year, 2nd and 3rd grade students in primary school took part in an innovation project based on escape rooms and methodologies of gamification and cooperative learning. They did this by making up a fictitious character: a police avatar that had founded a detective academy in which the students took part. Each session was designed to be done in groups of four or five children who were to work on their own. They learned contents from different areas, such as English, Natural and Social Sciences, Mathematics, reading comprehension, and more.
Crea tu propio restaurant (Create your own restaurant)
Jacobo Aragunde - CEIP Valle Inclán (O Grove, Pontevedra)
In the 6th grade classes at Valle Inclán Primary School, the lessons in Language Arts are learned by writing recipes and math lessons by calculating shopping lists, because they took up the challenge of covering as much of the syllabus as possible by creating their own restaurant, all with the guidance of a local chef. The students themselves are the ones who carried out the work: choosing the name, seeking financing from the bank, designing the corporate brand image, drawing up the menu, etc. It was an interdisciplinary undertaking in which they learned to work cooperatively
Energy Tronos (Energy Thrones)
Francisco Serrano - Universidad de Murcia (Murcia)
This was the first gamified experience done in the 3rd Year of the Undergraduate Program in Primary Education at the Faculty of Education. It was based on the narrative of the "Game of Thrones" series; students had to pas three stages: choosing action points on a map, a contest by groups (Plickers) and a tourney (Kahoot). The students assessed this experience positively and acknowledged that they had learned a lot on Physics and Chemistry despite having a class schedule not well suited to concentrating on such theories.
Webcómic ‘Infectados’ ('Infected' Webcomic)
Ignacio Subirán - IESO Reyno de Navarra (Azagra, Navarra)
Eight 1st-year students in Compulsory Secondary Education created a digital narrative artifact (a web comic) Starting off from an original idea by one of them, the students developed the plot for a genre story: they explored story lines, unraveled twists in the script and finally, after a month of constant brainstorming, the group finalized the plot. After that, it was time for scenes and settings, writing dialogs, etc. It was just about ready to go...except no one knew how to draw! The Information and Communication Technologies came to the rescue: Prisma, Instagram, Gimp, etc.
Robótica en las aulas, dando sentido a la educación (Classroom Robotics: giving meaning to education)
Yolanda Martínez - IES Antoni Maura (Palma, Mallorca)
This project began two years earlier with the aim of integrating robotics into the curriculum of the course on Technology in Secondary Education. During the 2017-2018 school year, students worked on robotics transversally on a number of different student-led projects. The experience included block programming, handling and erecting mechanisms and structures, sequential programming, the use of Scracht type learning environments, 3D printing, and more.
No es magia, es Educación emocional (It's not magic, it's Emotional Education)
Reyes Mantilla - CEPA REINOSA (Reinosa, Cantabria)
Imparting knowledge was not enough for this adult education center in Cantabria, which led them to work on emotional education (EE) as well, through an innovative pilot project for the Santander Adult Education Centers (CEPAS). The project was made possible in part under the guidance of the Botín Foundation's "Responsible Education" initiative. For three years, the Reinosa Adult Education Center developed the emotional spectrum of its students, in ages ranging from 18 to 80 years old, who even gave a workshop with highly satisfactory results.
Star Wars: los primeros Jedi (Star Wars: the first Jedi)
Isaac José Pérez - Faculty of Sports Sciences at the University of Granada (Granada)
The purpose of this experience, which started as an educational prequel of the legendary Star Wars saga, was to train future teachers and encourage them to innovate. This experience in gamification was complemented with the development of a cell phone app that was used to manage the course. In the narrative of the project, the students' first step was to demonstrate that they could feel the Force. After that, the Jedi Council put a timer in their cell phones to determine how well they used it to learn and improve their Jedi training, under the guidance of Master Guidoogway.
‘El compromiso de la galaxia Deitania’: un escape room basado en Star Wars ("The commitment of the Deitania Galaxy": a Star Wars-based escape room)
Pedro Antonio García - CEIP Deitania Comarcal (Totana, Murcia)
The objective of this proposal was to work on the 3rd grade primary school contents in Math, specifically on doing basic operations with 'carry-overs' and starting on divisions, as well a few contents regarding Natural Sciences. The classroom was turned into a 'Sith' command room (the dark side of the Force) in which each five-person team had a route plan with the itinerary they had to follow. The solution provided them with the master key they needed to enter to see if they could escape.
Break out de Historia (History Break-out)
Pau Canut - Escola Miquel Utrillo (Sitges, Catalonia)
The6th grade primary school students here did a break-out on the great stages in History, specifically to work on a project on the Modern Age. The students, who were divided into four-member cooperative groups, had to solve different puzzles on the OneNote notepad: crosswords, deciphering secret codes, using ultraviolet lights, decoding QR codes, sifting through information on Google, using logic, and, naturally, showing their skills at Information and Communication Technologies.
Taller de informática básica a personas migrantes (Introductory workshop on computers for immigrants)
Bárbara Álvarez - Centro de Formación Profesional Nelson (Madrid)
This Service Learning project consisted of having the Basic Vocational Education students teach a basic training course in computer skills and internet use to immigrants and refugees from the Spanish Refugee Aid Commission CEAR. To commence the experience, CEAR held sensitivity workshops on rumors in the mass media on refugees and immigration as well as gender and immigration.
Sergio García - Colegio Ntra. Sra. de la Consolación (Villacañas, Toledo)
This teacher created a tool called 'Tic-tac-toc' to help implement Project Based Learning by means of Multiple Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, the use of Information and Communication Technologies, Cooperative Learning, and Competency-based Learning. This way, the sessions are programmed with Tic (technology for information and communication: using apps, kahoots, devices for research, etc.), Tac (technologies for learning and knowledge to broaden and reinforce learning by thinking strategies) and Toc (competency learning to assimilate the contents and put them into practice by means of experiments, mock-ups, designing objects, etc.
STEAM en Educación Infantil: una herramienta para conocer el mundo
(STEAM in Pre-school Education: a tool to learn about the world)
María Rodríguez-Solís - Colegio Internacional San Francisco de Paula (Seville)
The STEAM methodology in Pre-school Education is conceived as an introduction to the world around the learner. That is the reason for this didactic proposal, which makes use of the strengths of information technologies and the STEAM methodology (work combining Sciences, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) to learn about the animal kingdom in the last year of Pre-school Education. This didactic proposal involves using a wide variety of technologies: educational robotics, augmented reality, collaborative work applications, etc.
Taller internivelar: magia con Méliès (Inter-level Workshop: Magic with Méliès)
María del Mar Gascón - CEIP El Justicia de Aragón (Alcorisa, Teruel)
Based on the audiovisual productions by George Méliès and his tricks, the students filmed several videos in which they performed different sports competencies, including one of Méliès's tricks needed for the subsequent edition. The last activity was to edit the videos taking into account one of Méliès's editing techniques. Guided by the teachers, the students themselves spliced the videos, added texts and the names of the participants, and chose the soundtrack music.
Bienvenidos a la Tierra (Welcome to Earth)
Jorge Moragues - Colegio Esclavas SCJ Benirredrá (Valencia)
For five days, the 1st year students in Compulsory Secondary Education at this school carried out this interdisciplinary project that encompassed all the course subjects with the aim of strengthening the many different skills and fostering cooperation. To do so, the teachers proposed creating a travel agency for extraterrestrials and inviting them to the Earth. More than 15 workshops featuring new technologies were held throughout the project, thereby increasing student motivation and involvement.
Aprendemos Motivados Innovando (Motivated to Learn by Innovating)
Javier García de Bustos - CEIP Ntra. Sra. De La Piedad (Herrera De Pisuerga, Castilla y León)
This experience implemented innovative STEAM classes in the 6th grade of primary school based on developing two Educational Innovation Projects promoted by the Castilla y León Teachers' Resource and TIC Training Centers: the 'INGENIA' Robotics Education Innovation Project, which developed activities in creation, construction, problem-solving, computational thinking, programming, etc., and the 'CREA' educational innovation project: an initiative in 3D printing as an innovative way to develop competencies in STEAM using proposals for design and computational thinking.
Evaluación del trabajo colaborativo en Flipped Learning mediante un escape room educativo (Assessing collaborative work in Flipped Learning by means of an educational escape room)
César Cáceres - Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)
Four years ago, the Flipped Learning methodology was implemented in the course on Computer Networks in the Computer Science Undergraduate Degree program at this university. During the 2017-2018 academic year, an educational escape room was carried out as a method of assessing the collaborative work the students had done in the classroom. They did so by creating a setting, generating audiovisual content, and integrating the activities and challenges of the escape room into the Virtual Classroom.
Operationn Beijerinck (Operación Beijerinck)
Carolina Álvarez- Colegio Valle de Miro (Pinto, Madrid)
This is a project that unites gamification and thought-based learning (TBL) and covers different subject matters such as Mathematics, Spanish Language Arts, Social Science, Natural Science, and the Plastic and Alternative Arts. At the start of the school year, a secret society got in touch with the 6th grade primary students, informing them that they had been chosen to join the secret society to help them solve a mysterious case: the body of a scientist was found in the school laboratory.
ArTi: aprendiendo a través del arte (ArTi: learning through art)
Mª del Mar Carrero - Artxandako Trueba Ikastetxea (Bilbao)
For the 2017-2018 school year, this project was carried out globally throughout the school as a central guideline. It was materialized in a set of sub-projects for developing competencies in an interdisciplinary approach. This was done by using a number of different methodologies and tools: starting off with the PBL methodology, cooperative dynamics were used along with all kinds of digital tools and applications for attaining and processing information.