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23 October 2018

Learning Ecosystems to be analysed at SIMO EDUCATION 2018

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The Conference on Learning Technologies organised by Crue-TIC will offer several sessions where there will be discussions on digital disruption in universities; the working guidelines of the FOLTE group will be presented, and issues will be discussed such as the edtech ecosystem; the organisational and services structure to support learning technology at the University Nebrija”, and Digital Campus UIB in 360º

Organised by IFEMA, SIMO EDUCATION will be held from the 13 to the 15 November in Hall 14.1 of the Feria de Madrid.

Crue Universidades Españolas, through Crue-TIC, will again participate in SIMO EDUCATION, the Learning Technology Exhibition organised by IFEMA from the 13 to 15 November, with a Conference on Learning Technologies on Tuesday the 13 November in the morning, open to all Fair visitors.

Titled “Learning Ecosystems” the conference, to be held in the Assembly Hall at SIMO EDUCACIÓN, will start out with a presentation by Óscar Cordón García, Assistant Rector of the Digital University, University of Granada, then the presentation “Does digital disruption also affect universities?” by Carlos Delgado Kloos, Vice-rector of Digital Strategy and Education, University Carlos III of Madrid.

Óscar Cordón García will then talk about the FOLTE group lines of work and he will present the current situation of Spanish universities regarding Online Teaching and Learning Technologies.

The Conference will also discuss issues such as “Building an edtech ecosystem in a higher education institution: from the flipped classroom to blockchain”,  by Francisco Cruz Argudo, Coordinator of the Teaching Multimedia and Innovation, Computer and Communications Service, University Carlos III of Madrid; “Organisational and services structure to support learning technology at the University Nebrija”,  by Leire Nuere Salgado, Vice-rector of Cross-sectional Integration, University Nebrija, and “Digital Campus UIB in 360o: constructing by listening to users, students and teachers” by Antonio Fernández-Coca, Vice-rector of Campus Digital and Transmedia, Universitat de les Illes Balears.

Anyone interested in attending these conferences must previously register on the SIMO EDUCATION website:

Crue-TIC will also take advantage of its presence at SIMO EDUCATION to hold a meeting of the FOLTE work group, on Tuesday the 13 November, in the afternoon.