Córdoba's jewellery sector welcomes Madridjoya with a great show of support and enthusiasm

During their visit to Córdoba, the Madridjoya team was recognised on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Cordoba Jewellery School, a national centre of reference for jewellers and goldsmiths
Representatives from Madridjoya - the leading trade show for jewellery, watches and related industries organised by IFEMA MADRID - visited Córdoba on 20 June. A total of 60% of all Spanish jewellery is produced in this city, hence the visit to promote the show among the local trade.
A delegation from MadridJoya, which will be held from 12 to 15 September 2024 in Halls 1 and 6 of the IFEMA MADRID Recinto Ferial, visited the headquarters of the Association of Jewellers, Silversmiths and Watchmakers of Córdoba to meet jewellery and related industry professionals, among them Azzoplata, Nosoloenplata, Obrero Joyeros and Hijos de Rafael Rodríguez Galiot. The event was also attended by officials from the City Council, Provincial Council and Cordoba's School of Jewellery.
The meetings were an opportunity to highlight the advantages and opportunities offered by participating in the next edition of Madridjoya, which maintains the basic objectives that gave rise to this project 35 years ago. The event is established as a major business event for the entire sector, an effective promotional platform, an industry meeting point, and a forum for the latest fashion trends.
Organised by IFEMA MADRID, and four months ahead of its inauguration, the exhibition has already sold 80% of the available exhibition space. It is an optimistic, popular event that highlights the interest and support of the jewellery industry to promote Madridjoya as a major hub for the sector and position Spain as an international benchmark for marketing the latest jewellery collections.