Sustainability in the pet care sector
IBERZOO PROPET, from 26 to 28 February 2025 at IFEMA MADRID
The pet care sector, which includes everything to do with pet well-being and care, is experiencing a significant growth in demand. Along with this growth come worries about its environmental impact and how to make it more sustainable.
Initiatives for more Sustainable Pet Care
Companies and consumers are introducing measures to reduce the environmental impact of the pet care sector. Some of the trends include:
- More sustainable diets: Food products that use alternative proteins, such as insects, fungi and plant sources, which require less resources than traditional meat. There are also ECO certified products and others made with alternative ingredients like sustainable fish.
- Eco-friendly containers: The increase in the availability of biodegradable, recycling and reusable packaging.
- Durable and recyclable products: Accessories and toys manufactured with sustainable materials, and designed to last longer.
- Waste reduction: The use of biodegradable cat litter, ecological cleaning products, compostable dog poop bags and composting systems to manage organic waste and packaging.
Pet food sustainability
Dog guardians, like so many other consumers, are increasingly concerned about the sustainability of the products and brands they choose.
In a global lifestyle survey conducted early this year by Euromonitor International, 65% of pet guardians confirmed that they are worried about climate change. They are also more likely to do ‘green activities’ than people who do not have animals.
The results of the survey, presented by Ekaterina Tretyakova, a market research consultant at Euromonitor, show that pet guardians in emerging markets are trying to have a positive impact on the environment: 80% in India, followed by 74% in China and the United Arab Emirates, and 72% in Brazil. Interestingly, the most highly developed markets in terms of pet food showed far lower percentages in this regard, including 50% in Belgium and Sweden, and 32% in Japan.
Pet guardians and their vision of how to contribute to sustainability
When it comes to the differences between people who do and do not have pets, regarding the adoption of more sustainable practices, 52% are reducing their use of plastics compared to approximately 48% of those who do not live with pets. Others include recycling items (50% versus 46%), using sustainable packaging (40% versus 36%), purchasing sustainable products (29% versus 25%), and reducing meat consumption (27% versus 23%).
The survey also analyses the types of containers that those surveyed consider sustainable, including recyclable (51%), biodegradable (48%), refillable/reusable (39%), paper (36%), made with recycled content (35%), compostable (34%) and plant-based options (31%).
Another survey of 945 pet guardians in Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, focused on sustainable pet food packaging. Conducted by Yummypets, an online community for pet lovers, and Pets International magazine, 55% of those surveyed said that they actively seek out sustainable packaging (although only 11% said they always do it), and 46% said that they buy animal food with sustainable or recycling packaging.
There are significant variations among pet guardians from different countries, 17% of those surveyed in the United Kingdom always look for sustainable packaging, with 57% sometimes purchasing sustainable or recyclable packaging. In comparison, only 35% of pet guardians in the United States shop with these criteria, and 29% of those surveyed in France said that they never sought out sustainable packaging.
Trust and willingness to pay more for sustainability
In the Yummypets survey, 27% of pet guardians said that they considered sustainability extremely important, 38% found it very important, while only 5% said it was not at all important. By country, 35% of respondents in the United States rated sustainability as extremely important, compared to 30% in the United Kingdom; in Canada, 47% considered it very important, while only 18% of pet owners in France did so.
Specifically, regarding pet food, 51% of pet owners stated that it is important or extremely important for it to be produced by an environmentally respectful company.
Pet guardians surveyed worldwide by Euromonitor appeared to be more trusting, with 61% saying they believe the claims of "recyclable," 57% in "locally sourced," and 54% in "environmentally friendly”. While similar percentages, 57% and 55% respectively, reported trusting the claims of "organic" and "natural," 14% of these respondents believe that companies use these claims as an excuse to charge higher prices.
This is relevant because the price of more sustainable products definitely influences the purchasing behaviour of these pet guardians. The average prices of pet food with sustainability claims increased by approximately 22% in 2023, according to Euromonitor, following a rise of 19.5% in 2022 and 17% in 2021.
Thus, it is not surprising that only between 12% and 16% of respondents are willing to pay more for pet food labelled as environmentally friendly, sustainably raised or produced, locally sourced, or fair trade.
Eco-friendly Practices in Services
Groomers and veterinary clinics can also adopt more sustainable practices, such as:
- Using eco-friendly cleaning products that reduce environmental impact.
- Implementation of efficient waste management systems, such as recycling and composting programmes.
Adoption of Green Technologies
The pet care sector could benefit from incorporating green technologies, such as:
- Energy efficiency: Use of energy efficient equipment in facilities and processes.
- Renewable energies: Incorporation of clean energy sources, such as solar panels and wind energy systems.
- Traceability certification: Obtaining certificates that ensure correct traceability in manufacturing processes, guaranteeing responsible practices from production to distribution.
The Role of Consumers
Consumers have a crucial role in driving sustainability in the sector. Among the actions they can take are:
- Choosing products from companies committed to sustainability.
- Prioritising quality over quantity, selecting durable items.
- Participating in packaging recycling programmes.
- Getting information about the most sustainable options available in the market.
The Future of Sustainable Pet Care
The pet care sector has a long way to go in terms of sustainability, but current initiatives show that there is growing interest from companies and consumers alike. With innovations in technology, production and distribution, there is a possibility that pet care will become a pioneering sector in terms of integrating sustainable practices.
In conclusion, adopting a sustainable approach in the pet care sector is not only an environmental necessity but also an opportunity to enhance animal welfare and protect the planet.
Sources: Pets2B Consultores, Euromonitor, Yummypets, Petfood Industry, Animal’s Health, Pets International.