Interview with Margarita Royo, Manager of AMVAC and Head of the organisation of VetMadrid
“VetMadrid is an experience that goes beyond congresses and workshops” Margarita Royo. Manager of AMVAC and Head of the organisation of VetMadrid
How long have you been involved in the organisation of the Congress and what have been your functions and those of your team during the different stages since the start?
I have been involved with AMVAC and with the congress it organises for more than 20 years, since I took part as a collaborating student, so I have been involved in all the functions and work teams that make up the VetMadrid organisation. I have learned a lot from my colleagues in all of them. I currently coordinate the overall organisation of VetMadrid, from the work groups to the technical secretariat of the congress, the scientific committees of the different programmes, the organising committee, etc. Thanks to the work of AMVAC’s managing board and the collaboration of my colleagues in the technical secretariat, we do our best to keep all the parts under control.
Why did you choose to devote this edition to Medicine and Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System and Nervous System? How does this subject fit with the current needs of the veterinary sector?
The general congress held as part of VetMadrid has a theme, and that theme changes every year. We had planned to address the musculoskeletal and nervous systems for some time. This area of veterinary medicine and surgery always generates significant interest and is a specialist area pursued by many veterinary colleagues. Moreover, general practitioners are also interested in this topic as it is a common aspect of the cases they come across in practice. Clinical veterinarians are continually updating their knowledge, and we take pride in being able to offer this within a well-organised congress where they can feel comfortable and enjoy themselves while receiving training.
Which will be the most outstanding talks and workshops at this edition?
All our speakers will be top-level in their specialist areas, so it isn’t easy to highlight any over the others: Jan Hnizo, Jean Gillaume Grand, and Karen Perry in traumatology; Elsa Beltran, Fernando Pellegrino, Peter Dickinson, and Timothy Bentley in neurology; Juan Carlos Serra in oncology; Catia Mota covering physiotherapy; Eliseo Belda for anaesthesia; and Vittorio Capello for exotics... They are all prominent figures in the field of small animal veterinary medicine.
However, I would like to point out the commitment to rounding off VetMadrid and the general congress by once again holding the Congress on Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation with Càtia Mota and Vibeke Sødring, as well as the Pre-Congress on Feline Medicine and Surgery with Alexis Santana, Marta Planellas, and Eliseo Belda. Additionally, we will feature our Business Training Congress, which this year focuses on communication and will include two exceptional speakers: Roeland Wesels and Miguel Ángel Romero.
Among all the workshops and seminars at VetMadrid, we will feature a particularly special one on neuro-oncology, led by Martí Pumarola, as well as several workshops on traumatology, a very practical and dynamic communication workshop with Miguel Ángel Romero, and a workshop on acute pain with Miguel Ángel Cabezas and Ignacio Álvarez, among others. All this will give different options for clinicians to opt for what interests them most or to adapt their time at Vetmadrid to make the most of their experience. We will also host a couple of extremely interesting symposia organised by different companies, featuring different themes from those addressed by the general congress.
Will any of the speeches be streamed? Will any of the speeches be available on a YouTube channel or similar for those who cannot be there?
VetMadrid is an experience that goes beyond congresses and workshops. It is important to come along to be able to enjoy it all, with everything that the Iberzoo Propet Fair has to offer. That said, AMVAC has been offering registered participants the opportunity to see recordings of the congress for a few days after it ends (so they can see the conferences they were unable to attend), at Congreso VetMadrid.net. Of course, veterinarians who are unable to come to Madrid can always register for the congress online to watch these recordings.
What criteria do you use to select your speakers?
We have a multidisciplinary scientific committee with broad experience that selects the speakers and works on the topics. Their premise is always to propose the best from each specialist area.
How many of them are international speakers?
Truth be told, when it comes to choosing speakers we are not concerned with where they come from. We just want them to be the best so that the level of our conferences maintains the quality standards they have always had. Language has never been a barrier; in fact, our congress has always provided simultaneous translation. On the other hand, in Spain we have excellent, internationally renowned specialists, so we don't look at where they come from. If a speaker is the best, we want them for our congress.
At this edition, if we calculate the totals, within the general congress only, we have ten Spanish speakers as opposed to eight of other nationalities. However, most of the hours at the congress are presented by foreigners. This year, most of the speakers are Spanish because there will be a round table discussion with four speakers and a couple of chats with two people in which they are all Spanish.
What type of profile do the attendees of the congress have? National or international? What are their expectations?
The profile of attendees at VetMadrid is mostly national. Of the foreign attendees, our Portuguese colleagues continue to be in the majority. This year, as the fair has Portugal as the guest country, we have also aimed to show consideration for the veterinarians coming from there by offering special prices.
How do you think VetMadrid contributes to the advancement of the veterinary profession in Spain?
VetMadrid is a get-together for professionals and the meetings are always very enriching. We encourage relationships between veterinarians with the sector’s most important companies and also with other pet sector professionals outside the strict clinical field of work, with the objective of sharing information, resources, opportunities and offering mutual support.
What role do the sponsors have in the success of the congress?
The companies that sponsor us are essential to our continuation edition after edition, and we have already had 42, with VetMadrid. We work with the pet sector’s leading companies, which find VetMadrid to be the best showcase for approaching veterinarians. They and their teams do excellent work, communicating their news and everything they have to offer to the vets. We are proud that they choose us and we will always be grateful to them.
How important is sharing space with Iberzoo Propet?
Iberzoo Propet is another puzzle piece. We are proud to see how the small trade fair associated with our congress has progressed year after year, and it is very gratifying for us to continue being promoters of this event alongside AEDPAC.
Do you think the emphasis on the social and recreational aspects of VetMadrid (lunches, dancing, after-work parties, etc.) helps create a unique brand compared to other veterinary congresses?
Without a doubt, the social and leisure components, into which we invest a significant amount of organisational effort, serve as a distinguishing factor. It isn’t easy, but we strive to ensure that the VetMadrid experience I mentioned earlier is well-rounded thanks to this recreational side. Veterinarians are social professionals; we enjoy spending time and having fun with our colleagues in the profession. At AMVAC, we aim to provide an opportunity each year for them to get together for the three days of the congress and really enjoy the experience.
Personally speaking
Do you share your life with a pet or have you ever had one?
I have been lucky enough to share my home with a couple of dogs, a cat and other little animals throughout my life. Right now, I can’t imagine life without my dog Akela, who is part of the family.
How often do you take her to the vet?
She's a healthy dog, so when we go to the vet, it is for deworming, vaccinations, and an annual check-up. So, we visit once every three or four months.
Do you buy her food and accessories from a specialised retailer or online?
I don't usually buy food or accessories on the Internet. In both cases I prefer a physical store. I really appreciate personal service. In my case, I usually buy food at the veterinary clinic and the accessories from a local specialised retailer.
Buy or adopt?
I think each owner needs to find the perfect animal to spend their life with. Perhaps an animal from a shelter will be perfect for one family because of their lifestyle, however, a family might want a pet with certain characteristics offered by a specific breed. The most important thing is to get good advice from a veterinarian and to have a clear understanding of the needs that will need to be met so that the pet, regardless of its species, can live harmoniously with the family with all the assurances of well-being. You need to know your priorities when it comes to getting a pet and how the animal is going to fit with your family unit. I have adopted a dog in the past and I bought the one I have now. In both cases, it was a very positive experience.