How artificial intelligence will transform the pet care industry
IBERZOO PROPET, from 26 to 28 February 2025 IFEMA MADRID
The pet care industry is experiencing an unprecedented transformation thanks to advances in artificial intelligence (AI). From smart devices that monitor animal health to personalised training and well-being platforms, AI is redefining how we care for and understand our pets.
One of the most important uses of AI in animal care is continuous health monitoring. Portable devices, such as smart collars, use advanced sensors and AI algorithms to record their vital signs, activity levels and sleep patterns. These devices can alert pet guardians to potential health problems before they get serious, offering data that can also be shared directly with veterinarians.
For example, TechPet companies have developed collars that analyse animals’ physical activity, helping to detect abnormal behaviour suggestive of pain, anxiety or illness. In addition, some advanced systems can even predict chronic conditions like arthritis based on patterns of movement. By adding technology to the mix, the dream of giving our cats and dogs a better quality of life is becoming a reality.
Virtual Assistants and Online Veterinary Consultations
AI is also revolutionising how pet guardians access veterinary services. Nowadays, a variety of platforms offer virtual consultations, allowing pet guardians to describe their animals’ symptoms and receive immediate recommendations. These tools use natural language processing to interpret the user’s concern and provide precise responses.
In parallel, AI-based applications help veterinarians diagnose illnesses more quickly by analysing medical images and identifying patterns that may go unnoticed by the human eye.
The latest trend is the appearance of platforms that analyse cats’ facial expressions to see whether they are comfortable or in pain. This type of information may help pet guardians decide whether their animals need surgery for an existing condition, is recovering well from a previous operation or, in case of persistent pain, whether it would be appropriate to decide on euthanasia.
This year, a series of innovations driven by artificial intelligence will give us a host of advantages, from detecting diseases to pet safety, transforming the way we take care of them. “You can buy AI devices to monitor your animal, and they can also track their faeces”, says Dr Lionel Robert, Professor of Information at the University of Michigan School of Information and Professor of Robotics. “These devices record their level of hydration, their activity or inactivity, and even their mental health”.
Entertainment and Personalised Behaviour
Pet entertainment is also evolving thanks to AI. The platforms that already exist use automatic learning algorithms to personalise entertainment to suit each animal’s breed, age, temperament, and behaviour.
Cats are notoriously difficult to read, unlike dogs, which can almost always express their emotions clearly. However, a recent study suggests that cats actually have hundreds of unique facial expressions. Many more than people, in fact. The way they move their eyes, ears and whiskers, although extremely subtle, can be analysed by AI to identify their emotional state.
Technology is also helping us to understand our pets better. There are apps in development that set out to translate dog barking into human language, with algorithms that analyse body and vocal language to interpret messages like “I’m hungry” or “I need to go out”. This type of tools will certainly improve communication between humans and animals.
Intelligent Nutrition
Personalised feeding is another key area where AI is making a huge difference. Systems that use data about pets’ age, weight, level of activity and health to recommend customised diets. Some devices even include automatic feeders that adjust portions in real time, according to the animal's daily caloric needs.
Loss prevention and safety
Pet safety can also be optimised with AI. GPS trackers integrated with predictive algorithms can alert pet guardians if pet strays from a safe area. In addition, home cameras already feature facial recognition technology and emotion detection to identify when a pet is stressed or in need of attention.
Biometric systems for pets can use identifying information, such as their unique nose prints, to track pets in a less intrusive manner than the microchips typically used for the same purpose. Applications like Petnow have shown 99.99% precision in nasal print recognition.
The Future of Pet Care with AI
As AI continues to advance, the potential for transforming pet care is enormous. From robot-assisted treatments to tools for predicting healthy ageing in senior animals, the possibilities are almost limitless.
When you are out for a few hours and your dog has nothing to do, it’s time to switch on your specialised domestic robot. Ogmen Robotics has developed a relatively small playmate with AI for dogs, a new category of products that is sure to take off in the coming years. This domestic robot can move from room to room, playing at searching for objects with your dog and even feed it at the right time.
However, it is also important to address the challenges associated with the use of these technologies. Data privacy, affordability and user education will be key factors when ensuring that these innovations benefit all animals and their guardians.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence is redefining the pet care industry, allowing us to give them more proactive, personalised, affordable care. This technological revolution will not only improve our pets’ quality of life, but it will also strengthen the link between humans and animals, creating a brighter and healthier future for all.
Sources: Pets2B Consulting & Agency. Bangkok Bank Innohub, Global PETS.