FORO SICUR will address the greatest safety challenges
Renowned industry experts will talk about cybersecurity, access control, asset protection, new police weaponry and equipment, security in health centres, drones, non-lethal weapons, cameras, fire-fighting, emergency communication and healthy organisations, among the various subjects contained in the SICUR 2020 Technical Conference program. Organised by IFEMA, SICUR will take place from the 25 to 28 February at Feria de Madrid.
As in every edition, FORO SICUR will offer, within the International Security, Safety and Fire Exhibition, SICUR 2020, an area for analysis and discussion on the latest issues regarding the world of safety, in its widest perspective. A wide and varied Program of Technical Conferences that, from the 25 to 28 February, will give the professionals visiting the Feria de Madrid halls the chance to see the latest trends and to find in-depth information on the most relevant industry issues, changes in regulations, best practises and keys to increase awareness on prevention, all provided by experts on each subject.
Organised in collaboration with the main associations and organisations representing security professionals and users, FORO SICUR will provide the Exhibition, over the four days, with content that is highly informative and training, and will contribute to enhance the knowledge of industry professionals, making security the centre of attention for both professionals and society in general.
In keeping with the Exhibition itself, the experts participating in FORO SICUR will analyse the main issues and challenges in Occupational Safety, Fire Safety and the world of Emergencies, and within the context of Security, they will focus on the main issues related to public and private security.
Occupational Safety
On Occupational Safety, AMAT, ANEPA/ASPA, ASPREN and INSST will analyse “Managing cancer and mutation-causing agents at work. A holistic view”, with the aim to increase awareness and improve management of these substances in workplaces, to minimise hazards. INSST, AESPLA and FUNDACIÓN MAPFRE will discuss “Healthy organisations within the framework of the ODS”, in a session on how health promotion policies and actions at the workplace will contribute to meeting the objectives of the 2030 Agenda.
Focusing on Security, FORO SICUR will offer a series of technical conferences, such as the one organised by AEINSE on “The future of Access Control”, that will discuss technology applied to Physical Access Control in coming years, taking into account the changes being faced: Convergence with Access Control to computer systems, Big Data, the Cloud, Advanced TV signal processing, advances in facial and voice recognition, blockchain, etc. The event will bring together manufacturer representatives and experts on the matter.
The National Police will organise a conference on “Safety in health centres: the Importance of the Security Director”, and AES will discuss “The Internet of Things and people, innovation and transformation of private security in Spain”.
UNIJEPOL (National Union of Local Police Chiefs and Directors) will hold a series of conferences on “New weaponry and equipment for Local Police”; “Drones: affordable aerial units at the service of Local Security”; “Equipped with non-lethal weapons: a necessity to guarantee the safety of police agents and citizens”; “Individual-use police cameras: Are they the future?
UNIJEPOL will also hold the Ceremony for the I National Awards for Local Police Action, and the II National Conference of Women Police Agents, during which the publication "Venus in the Police force: life stories of women police agents" will be presented; and there will be discussion on positive action to demasculinise the Police force. The ceremony for the III National Awards for Women Police Agents will also be held.
Regarding the world of prevention and fire-protection, TECNIFUEGO will hold a conference on “Fighting Forest Fires”, and another on “Managing Emergency Communications in Fire Protection”. The FUNDACION FUEGO will be organising a conference on “Protecting Spain’s Historical and Cultural Heritage: an overview after the fire of Notre Dame cathedral”
SICUR CYBER, cybersecurity threats
Within cybersecurity, and in collaboration with ISMS Forum, the largest active network of organisations and experts committed to Information Security in Spain, SICUR CYBER will be the setting for analysis and discussion on the latest cybersecurity risks and threats.
These are some of the issues to be discussed: “National cybersecurity in figures”; “Main agents and lines of action”; “New regulations applied to the security of networks and information systems”; “A guide to Security Breaches: available guidelines and good practises”; “Initiatives to improve corporate cyber-resilience”; “What is the value of my data?”; “Why should I perform a Data Protection Audit?”; “Data Processing: Analyse the risk, evaluate the impact”; “What should I do in the event of an information theft or leak?”; “Main risks to people’s privacy”; “Anonymous networks: a challenge for cybersecurity”.