Fruit Attraction São Paulo: success of the international meeting of the fruit and vegetable sector

Fruit Attraction São Paulo is consolidating its position as the leading international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable market in the Southern hemisphere, alternating with Fruit Attraction Madrid, the leading event in the Northern hemisphere. Fruit Attraction São Paulo is the meeting point, not only for producers from all Brazilian states, but also from Latin American countries.

In its first edition, Fruit Attraction São Paulo has had the fundamental support of organisations such as ABRAFRUTAS, CEAGESP, APEX and SEBRAE as well as 8 states (Bahia, Espírito Santo, Maranhão, Pará, Paraná, Pernambuco, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo).

Organized by IFEMA MADRID and FIERA MILANO BRAZIL, Fruit Attraction Sao Paulo will hold its second edition from march 25 to 27, 2025, at the Brazilian venue São Paulo Expo & Convention Centre where it will bring together the entire fruit and vegetable community.

Don’t miss it!

Why exhibit at Fruit Attraction Sao Paulo?


Be part of the meeting for professionals of the Fruit and Vegetables sector in Sao Paulo

Open your market

Generate new opportunities for expansion and internationalisation

Exchange knowledge

Present your new products and learn about the latest trends in the sector

Boost your brand

Strengthen your brand positioning and take advantage of media coverage

Fruit Attraction Sao Paulo areas

An event designed to boost business opportunities and contacts

Visitor profile

  • Wholesale and retail distributors
  • Importers
  • CEASAS or wholesale markets
  • Supermarket chains
  • Hotels and restaurants
  • Producers
  • Re-exporters
  • Packaging and handling
  • Transport and logistics

BRAZIL, the best market to grow your business

  • It is the largest market in Latin America, with more than 212 million people.
  • It is the largest producer in the region and the third largest in the world, with more than 40 million tons of fruit and vegetables in annual production.
  • Agriculture in general accounts for 25% of BRAZIL’s GDP.
  • When it comes to exports, fruits and vegetables represent 35% of the total value generated by the international sale of these goods throughout the LATAM region.
  • Brazil is the leader in LATAM in the production of oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, citrus fruits, pineapple and corn.



Make your reservation and have access to exclusive promotional values ​​for reservations by email: | | (11) 99369-5239

Transamérica Faria Lima

4 Estrelas
Notice to the general public

• Free fair for sector professionals; • Congresses, courses and lectures subject to charges; • Entry into the event wearing a tank top, shorts or flip-flops is prohibited; • Entry of children under 16 years of age is prohibited, even if accompanied by guardians. Except for infants up to 1 year old; • The fair credential is personal, non-transferable and its use is mandatory; • The fair organizer reserves the right to remove visitors who cause any disturbance or hinder the smooth running of the event. Your credential will be confiscated and new access prohibited; • The fair participant is aware and agrees that the event organizer has exclusive rights to use images (Photos and Films) of people, stands and products, to publicize the event, at any time; • Photos and/or filming of stands and/or products can only be taken with express authorization from the exhibitor.

Rodapé Fruit AVOBOOKRedagrícolaPoland FruitsAen verdeABRAFRUTASFeiras & NegóciosF&HHigiene AlimentarA LavouraAgro PlanningNotícias AgricolasFruittodayFRUTHCPORTALCampo & Negócioscipa fiera milanoIfema MadridAD Turismosão paulo expoAgro Negocios PerúSucesso no CampoAgriBrasilis ubrafe Turismo Responsável ufi member visite sao paulo