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05 July 2019

DIAN Designs Footwear to Prevent Workplace Foot Problems

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DIAN has designed footwear that improves thermal comfort, tread and stability, and has analysed muscle activity and movement. The functional analysis laboratory at the INESCOP Innovation and Technology Centre has evaluated the designs and found that they regulate heat to keep feet healthy by preventing uncomfortable temperatures. It also found that they are designed and manufactured to prevent foot problems by spreading pressure evenly across the sole, while avoiding excessive muscle activity by the user, reducing fatigue even after prolonged wear. Which Models are They?

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DIAN produces a wide range of workplace footwear specifically designed to ensure worker safety and health. Several of these models have obtained different certifications. For example, models 1805-LM, 1807-LM and MILAN SCL in white have been awarded the Functional Evaluation label by INESCOP. This label is awarded by the footwear industry Centre for Innovation and Technology and aims to showcase companies that integrate safety, comfort and health as an essential feature. More information at