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16 May 2019

EMCESA presents Limo&Lima, the new generation of healthy dishes

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Emcesa is a meat products company that works day in and day out to offer our customers and consumers quality food. That is why we have brought the new Limo&Lima line to market, the new generation of healthy dishes. Vegetables cooked just right, retaining the best texture and all their colour, combined with lean meats, make these dishes an ideal option for day-to-day life. Easy to prepare in the microwave quickly and with no mess. In three minutes you will have a balanced dish ready to eat without sacrificing on flavour.

The integrity of the nutrients is maintained in the production process of these dishes. The precision of the thermal treatments and the advanced pasteurization technology ensure vegetables preserve their vitamins, crunchy texture and bright colours. Likewise, the proteins of lean meats retain their structure, minimising liquid loss while preserving nutritional quality and juiciness. A tasty and balanced combination that undoubtedly satisfies the demands of today's consumers.

Stand 10E18